{We all wanna die sometimes}

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Sweeney slipped into the bathroom and locked the door. Instant relief washed over him as he realized he was finally away from the world. He lit the candle on the sink before shutting the lights off, if he avoided the mirror he wouldn't have to worry about seeing himself. He cringed at the thought.  He truly dreaded what came next, but it had to be done. Grabbing the tail of his white t-shirt he slowly removed it, wincing at the pain that was inflicted from the cloth rubbing against his sore skin.
You deserve it he reminded himself before getting into the shower. Twisting the knob as far as it would go to the left, Sweeney let out a muffled groan as the water hit his back like daggers. The temperature slowly rose and Sweeney gripped the metal support bar as the hot water scorched his blistered back. Stuttering, a gasp escaping him before the pain went numb. The longer he stood in the boiling water, the better he felt. He was finally punishing himself for the things he had done.

His back was starting to sting again, it usually happened off and on during the entire time however it hurt worse this now, maybe enough to—and just like that, the tears started to pour and there he sat on the tub floor bawling like some idiot. God it hurt, not the water, but living. It hurt so bad. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Sweeney? Are you alright? I thought I heard crying" Roslyn called through the door. Her soft voice forced a whimper from him, of course he wasn't alright.

Please make it stop.

"I'm coming in now, okay love?" She called, the door knob turned slowly.

Sweeney's heart raced, she couldn't see him like this. Not her, anyone but her. She would hate him for sure now, if she hasn't secretly hated him already. The thoughts raced through his mind as he sat there frozen in place.

Roslyn walked in and her eyes widened at the steam that had collected in the small, dark room. She flipped the light switch on and slowly opened the shower curtain. Oh god...

"Sweeney what on earth are you doing!?" She cried, turning the water off and rushing to grab the nearest towel.

He didn't reply, he just sat completely still, eyes full of shock as she had never seen him like this before, let alone without clothes. The thought frightened him beyond belief.  Go away... please go away... just forget about this, like I do.

"Here-Here take this sweetheart" She whispered, reaching towards him with a towel.

A small gasp escaped her lips as she saw his back. It was covered in giant, red, swelled blisters from the hot water, and by the looks of it, he had done this on several other occasions. Her heart ached, the poor man. God he was miserable.  Roslyn reached towards him reluctantly with the towel, she had to be gentle or his back would surly start bleeding.

The thought of her touching him now must have been enough to snap Sweeney out of the daze he was in because at the sight of her reaching towards him he completely freaked.

"NO! Don't touch me!" He echoed, instinctively raising a tightened fist, his eyes suddenly crazed and dangerous.

Roslyn flinched, she hated when he did that, it scared her to death but somehow she only loved him more for every time he didn't strike her across the face.

"Sweeney, let me help you" her eyes met his hardened gaze. "Please".

Reluctantly, sweeney lowered his fist, and he finally realized what he had done.
I would never hurt you Roslyn he thought, desperately wishing that he could speak.

Roslyn wrapped the towel around his sore back and slowly helped lift him out of the tub. Sweeney felt the tears threaten to fall down his red face and he didn't bother stopping them.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Roslyn choked, feeling her heart break for the barber.

Sweeney didn't have a straight answer, he only knew that he deserved it, to him this was all just part of his punishment.

Roslyn glanced at him through the hair in her eyes.
"You can't do this love, I can't keep worryin' about you like this, you're scarin' me"

Sweeney stayed quiet.

Sighing, Roslyn pulled him into her lap in an attempt to stop his trembling. Reluctantly, Sweeney leaned into her, nuzzling into her freshly damp sweater.

"It will be okay, you know that don't you?" Roslyn whispered through a kiss on his forehead.

Sweeney was comforted by her touch, and her voice helped him to stop trembling to much. He nodded.
Maybe she was right.

"Lets get your back taken care of ay'?"

I hope you enjoyed this, I'm sorry it isn't the greatest but i cant really write that well anymore, anyways thank you for reading.

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