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It's a Beast thing to mentally break down.


Driving to Ira wasn't something I had expected myself to ever do again. But again, I hadn't ever expected to be the main suspect of a murder case. So, at this point, nothing is too surprising for me. Yet, the mere thought of seeing her after eight whole years is sending my heart into a specific type of overdrive. One it hasn't experienced in a long long time.

I curse at every red light I encounter, my fingers impatiently drumming on my steering wheel. I stare out of the window as I notice quite a lot of people take a double-take at my car and my tinted windows. I smirk to myself despite the conditions, shaking my head lightly as I hum lowly to the song playing on the radio.

Thoughts of Ruby invade my mind, but I try to keep everything in for just a few more minutes, just until I reach Ira. I need her now more than anything, and I thank my lucky stars that she accepted my stupid plea. I hear the honks behind me before I see the light turn green, and as soon as I get ready to press my accelerator, my leg never reaches there.

It can't, because standing in front of my car is an enchanting lady, with long shiny blonde hair hanging by her side. Her brown eyes pierce right through me as I feel myself stop breathing for a few short seconds. She's just staring at me through the glass separating us, yet nothing about the gaze is uncomfortable. She's smiling at me, not at all bothered by the crazy New York traffic around her. The noises around me disappear as she smiles wider and nods at me. And even though there's my car screen separating us, I hear her loud and clear when she says something which renders me speechless.

Go to her.

A bright unexpected light catches my attention, urging me to close my eyes reflexively. When I finally open my eyes and look back at the road, she's not there anymore. The noises return around me, and I'm immediately assaulted by uncontrollable honking and shrewd words by frustrated New York drivers. Swearing under my breath, I quickly start my car yet again. Without even thinking, I reach Ira's apartment building, this time without even needing GPS to guide me. I park carefully and climb the steps to the door of her complex. The cold around me increases, making me pull my arms closer to my body. I rub my hands through my gloves and stare at the door separating us.

Finally gathering enough courage, I find the doorbell beside which her name is displayed.

Ira Brown.

Taking one last final breath, I move my shaking hands toward the bell and press it. The instant sound of the bell resonates somewhere far beyond the closed door, and I suddenly can't breathe. This is a bad idea, she doesn't want to see me. I'm being a selfish prick. I should just-

The second the door opens, my thoughts halt, and my breath is stolen from me as I come face to face with the person who, still, to this day, holds my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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