The Attack

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Grumblegard's POV
    We were at a clearing overlooking the ocean and the babies were playing a game called 'volley rock' with the rescue riders. I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was going to start setting soon. I frowned, as much as I didn't want to admit it, I really enjoyed just watching the babies and kids have fun. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice behind me. I snarled as I turned to face those pesky slinkwings. 'What they are doing here, they know they can't beat me and there's no way they are getting to the babies, so why are they here' I wondered. "Why are you here?" I growled at them.

    Lurke just smirked signaling that he knew something that I didn't. "Please no need for violence, we are simply here to inform you that some dragons have taken over your island, and while you were away. Not us, otherwise we wouldn't be here informing you of this."

I growled at them getting really angry. How dare they just waltz over here and tell me that I don't have my island anymore.

"If you don't believe us just go check it out for your self, then you'll see whose island it is now" Lurke smugly said as he flew off cackling. I angrily threw a wind blast after them, getting them out of my sight.

"Are you gonna go check out your island?" Aggro asked me.

I sighed, "As much as I say never trust a slinkwing, I have to make sure my island is okay. But the babies should stay here because if those slinkwings are telling the truth I don't want them going into battle."

"Don't worry, they will be safe at the roost," Leyla assured me. I nodded and took off towards my island.

    When I got there, there was huts on my island. Huts. That meant humans. Some dragons were flying through the sky twirling and diving, probably playing. I snorted, they aren't gonna be playing anymore.

Toothless's POV
    We just returned to our island and the riders were discussing who would be the storm warden, do patrols, etc. Hiccup made me an automatic tail so I could fly on my own a few months ago, and I was grateful for it for lots of reasons but I still like flying with my rider. The other dragons and I were playing tag in the sky, when I thought I saw something near the island. I hovered and tried to figure out what it was. It looked like a dragon, or a bird.... probably a dragon.

    "What is it Toothless?" Stormfly asked me, noticing I got distracted from the game.

    "I see a dragon near the island but it's just hover...... actually it's coming towards us. There!" I responded pointing with my claw. She squinted at where I was pointed and opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by a loud roar from behind us.

    We turned around to be face to face with a large dragon, three or four times the size of Ashfire. "GET OFF MY ISLAND!!!" he roared and clapped his enormous wings pushing us backwards.

    I roared to the other dragons, "THE ISLAND IS UNDER ATTACK!" The rest of the dragon came over and circled the wind dragon. All of a sudden, Hookfang and Ashfire came from above combining their fire power to create a large fireball and blasted it at the wind dragon. It hit its target but only seemed to make the dragon angrier. The rider dragons flew down to get their riders. They were already outside, ready to take the wind dragon on.

    We flew back up into the air, and circled the with dragon with the other dragons. "Any ideas guys" I roared, "Or info about this guy."

Sleuther responded, "He has three types of attacks, the first is his wind breath which comes from his mouth, the second is his wing clap which has more power, but leaves him exposed from the back, and the third is the standard claws and teeth." All the dragons stared in amazement as of how he did that so fast, some on how he did that at all. "You learn how to break down the attacks and weak points of a dragon in the dragon fights, I'm good at this." he said, sensing our amazement.

"How about we stop one of his attacks, the first one, his wind breath. Garf can seal his mouth shut with his amber blast then lure him away with his song." Skullcrusher suggested.

"Ok let's get him off the island. Distract him so Garf can get a clear shot at the wind dragon." I said flying in front of the wind dragon's face. The other dragons distracted him and he was so focused on us that he didn't see Garf in the clouds. We all stopped going in front of his face for a moment so Garf could get a clear shot, and he struck. Amber whizzed through the air and hit the wind dragon sealing his mouth shut.

Garf stayed in the clods and began to sing drawing all the dragons except Stormfly along with him. My mind went fuzzy and all I could think about was that angelic voice. Suddenly, I couldn't hear the angelic voice anymore and the world became clear again. My rider must have put moss in my ears and the other riders must have done the same for all of the dragons except Stormfly, Garf, and the wind dragon.

"Take him back to Huttsgalor!" I roared to Garf. I'm not sure if he heard so I just turned back to the island.

I landed at Hiccup's hut and went to my sleeping slab. I was exhausted and the sun was setting, so I let the distant sound of Garf's angelic voice lull me to sleep.

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