Chapter 3: Agent Parker

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Peter drummed his fingers unconsciously on the window still. They were on a jet, flying for the land down under. Tony sat across from him, prepping FRIDAY to hack into the HYDRA database. MJ was in the cockpit, learning from the pilots how to fly a plane. The rest of the Avengers were scattered around the plane, assisting to various tasks. Thor was still confused on how the 'bird of metal' worked.






"Hmm?" Peter pulled his eyes from the window, bringing his mind back to the present.

"You ok?" Tony asked, concern laced in his features.

"Yeah, just... I don't like planes, that's all. They make me paranoid. Especially in turbulence."

Tony flicked through the possible reasons before coming to the conclusion.

His parents.

Of course.

"We'll be ok. Nothing will happen on my watch."

Peter nodded before looking behind Tony. Fury walked down the aisle with a package in his hands. "Agent Parker, here is your suit."

Peter took the parcel in shock. "Thank-thank you, Mr Fury sir."

"What are you waiting for? Try it on!"

Peter walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

Tony look at Fury. "Hey Eyepatch, why isn't he going as Spiderling?"

Fury looked down his nose at Stark. "Because it's time that he learnt that Peter Parker is just as special as Spider-Man. Maybe even more, from what I've known from his parents."

Tony nodded.

"How do I look?"

Peter stood awkwardly in the doorway. It was a plain black suit, with padding and buckles and no mask. (See picture above.)

Fury blinked. For a second he had seen Richard.

"Excellent, Agent Parker. Let's go over the plan."

"Yes, sir."


Agent Parker studied the hulking black frame on the horizon.

"You ready?"

Peter nodded. He popped in his earpiece and placed his contact lenses. This allowed him to access Karen and see things as if he had his mask on. It would also stop HYDRA from using his iris to track him down.

"Karen, scan for the closest vent."

Karen pulled up visuals and located a vent for him.

"Checking comms... Tony, Ned, do you hear me?

"Loud and clear, Underoos."

"Ok." He breathed in. "I'm going in."

The sky was dark, revealing a stunning Milky Way across it's canvas. The air was cold in the red sandy desert, seeping through Peter's suit.
He slipped over the fence and up to the wall, being careful to avoid cameras. Unwinding the grate, he slipped through the vent.

Peter was the imposter, Peter joked to himself.

Hawkeye would be jealous.

"Karen," he whispered, "where is the vault?"

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