So, to nobody's surprise, I've had no time to write. I'll write come June, like I seem to do every year. Write the whole summer, so it seems, and then likely drop off come December. Six months out of the year seems good, though, doesn't it?


will you continue the ".." of jacob black? i really like the plot, not if you plan to, please do yet not from rush, take your time and good luck.
          p.s i really loved it, i have not finished reading the incomplete story but i really loved the plot you have made up, it amazed me immensely.


Alright so the test results came back and my iron is no longer in the red (aka I'm no longer at risk of heart failure with minor physical activity). It's still low, but since my OBGYN and I have stopped my SEVEN MONTH LONG PERIOD, I should have no issue bringing up my iron to the regular levels with eating lots of red meat.
          With that said, I've been writing for more fics on ao3. I seem to write chapters that are after the chapter I'm supposed to be writing for, which seems odd to anyone but my ADHD having self. I've written more this past week and a half than I have in the past 6 months.
          I *WILL* be trying to give you guys updates fics that you ask for still. I need my hyper fixation to be on my writing (which is my special interest but if I don't have a fixation I literally can't do it my ADHD blocks me). Thankfully for everyone else my Sun Haven hyper fixation is ending after a month so I have been writing in an attempt to sway the dopamine to writing again like it was in 2020.
          I seem to be quickly getting this fixation back, thank the lord.
          With that being said I'm running on caffeine and need something to update when I get slightly bored with the scenes in Tamed Animals I'm writing. Please comment down below what you want updated the most, it will get done within a reasonable time depending on how many scenes the next chapter has.


I’m very glad to hear that you are doing better! As someone with chronic anemia and iron-malabsorption, it is fully understandable. I hope that you are not facing side effects and stay as healthy as you can.


Hey y'all. Just here to say that "Tamed Animals" is up on my account on ao3 if anyone wants to read it. My account name is MightyWallJericho.
          It's my Hunger Games longfic that will likely be more than 100 chapters knowing how many years take place in it. If you like darkfics that lean on the side of societal commentary with a hint of humor, you'll love it.


Finally getting my iron my iron infusion today :)


@bongbleach | the horrific tachycardia is gone! I am finally able to rest knowing I won't drop dead randomly


THANK GOD!! iron deficiency is a destroyer, hope it goes well!! 


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
WHY ARE INSURANCE COMPANIES ALLOWED TO DENY MY IRON INFUSIONS LIKE HELLO??? MY HEART COULD GIVE OUT??? Now I'll have to miss A WEEK of school because of how fucking tired I am. Burn the American Medical system to the ground.


@Mortalhorcrux I nearly died on the pills my stomach can't take them my intestines will be damaged if I take them again.


Could you have iron pills instead? They sell them at any pharmacy and several different stores. It takes longer than the infusions but I promise it does help. 


I’m so sorry! I don’t have anything that severe but I do understand the pain of having to fight with insurance all the time and they are horrible 