
What's this? Chapter 10 of A Dance of Ruin is out?! :0 That's right! Vesper runs over her plan to Fenik and teaches him the basics of ballroom dancing.
          	Now that I'm emerging from the ONC writing burnout, I'm hoping to have weekly Saturday chapters of ADoR until it's finished! After that, I'll be trying to get back into Of Salt and Sacrifice and outlining the next novella in the series: A Hunt of Woe :D


Hi Dee, I got hacked out of my old Discord account. Could you please tell Kaiddence that is the reason why I got logged out of my High Fantasy account? I made a new account yesterday so I was wondering if you can ask Kaiddence if I could join again. Thank you


@-DeeIsDead-  Thank you. I'm back on Discord!


@Glory_feeling2 That’s the link that Kaddance gave me :( Maybe this one will work? https://discord.gg/DeZMe3wY


Hi Dee, Somehow the link didn't work. Is it time sensitive?  Could you guys just add me, my new account is glori_12_73112 . It has been annoying as I had to start from the beginning as I lost all my contacts, but saved a few.


What's this? Chapter 10 of A Dance of Ruin is out?! :0 That's right! Vesper runs over her plan to Fenik and teaches him the basics of ballroom dancing.
          Now that I'm emerging from the ONC writing burnout, I'm hoping to have weekly Saturday chapters of ADoR until it's finished! After that, I'll be trying to get back into Of Salt and Sacrifice and outlining the next novella in the series: A Hunt of Woe :D


The ONC 2024 longlist is out! Both An Order of Death and A Scent of Chaos made it through <333 Thank you to everyone who has checked them out so far! 
          Congrats to all the other amazing entries that made it through too! There are so many good books this year!


@-DeeIsDead- GO, DEE, GO!!! Congratulations!! ❤️


@MilaForLife Thank you, Mila! <33 Congrats to you too! I’m really happy The Lethal Encounter made it too! :D


Hey I have a question are you still accepting requests or you're full? 


@kimberleysaid Awesome! All of the details about requesting a cover from me (like rules, forms, and payment) can be found in the cover shop on my profile: https://www.wattpad.com/story/351155342-cover-shop-open . Please post the form in the designated chapter when you're ready (:


@-DeeIsDead- Okay.
            Then I am officially requesting a book cover please author. 
            Let me know how to proceed if you do agree. 
            Have a nice day.


@kimberleysaid Hello! Only one slot in my queue is taken so I’m definitely still taking requests! (:


Everyone should stop what they’re doing an read this amazing story by @sandydragon1 ! The Taste of Home is such a beautifully written book where chupacabras and humans try to coexist in the world and the troubles that come with that. There’s also an adorable bxb romance! You won’t regret picking it up ;)


Hey everyone! This will be the last time I bug you guys with announcements every day, I promise XD
          As you might have noticed, I've opened my graphics shop again! I'm now open again for requests so feel free to send one in now if you were waiting for me to reopen. However, due to Wattpad's latest shenanigans, you will now need either a Discord, Instagram, or email you would be willing to share with me to receive this graphic.
          My graphics shop is only open because I'm not planning to finish my last ONC entry in time for the deadline. I'm way too burnt out with writing right now and two entries are successful enough for me! A Dance of Ruin will still be finished, I'll just be writing at my own pace again <3
          Thank you all for sticking around!


@-DeeIsDead- Congrats on completing two entries!! I can't wait to finish Order of Death (the Wattpad comment glitch on my end is a nightmare lol). Do whatever works the best for you! ❤️


Hi! Somehow I did not realize I wasn't following you! Don't how that happened but now I am!


@jdog129 No worries about that. I have the same issue sometimes. You're welcome!   


@jdog129 Sorry for the late reply. Wattpad never gave me the notification for this T-T Thank you, Belle! <33


Wattpad has decided to get rid of DMs on April 30th and delete all past messages entirely on May 6th. I can’t tell you how much I hate this decision as I use DMs to deliver graphics to people all the time.
          Moving forward, if you want to request a graphic from me, you must have a Discord, Instagram, or an email you would be willing to share me for your graphic to be delivered. I won’t be using comments as I don’t trust my graphics not to be stolen. 
          If you have any concerns or suggestions on this matter, feel to reply here <33


@PheonixGuardian Because this app is falling apart XD I didn’t think it could get much worse after the mass-deleted books at the beginning of the month tbh


Why on earth r they getting rid of DMs so stupid 