Y’all don’t mind the sudden account changes. My brothers very close to finding this account and I’m panicking 


@delusional_banana HAHSHD had to erase the digital footprints 


@delusional_banana  lmao luv the new pfp tho 


ok so idk if anyone remembers my royal pre-rebirth au for ritpn but uh here's some mitski stuff that satisfies brain for some reason
          1) at the time surrounding y/n's death, all I can think abt is 'I bet on losing dogs.' it just makes so much sense to me, her ordering a few of her guards to take her siblings and just run, despite knowing it's unlikely they'll make it a long time. she's essentially betting on losing dogs. they probably won't have a future out there. heck, they might not even make it outside the kingdom, but she's still holding out hope. 'survive. it's futile, I know, but please, just survive.'
          2) 'I look up at the gaps of sunlight, I miss you more than anything' fits on the run freya so well. she's much more reserved than when y/n was alive. she's quieter. angrier too, though she hides it well. she's scared and constantly on edge, trying to protect her siblings and help her people stuck in those horrible, horrible farms, she feels so powerless. y/n is gone. her twin, her best friend, her partner in crime, is gone and now she's alone. she can't ask her opinions and ideas anymore. she can't bounce plans back and forth between the two of them until they find a solution. she can't save her people. if y/n was here, they could do it. but now? now, she was just one half of an unstoppable duo, their team reduced to one.
          mitski is perfect for angst istg


How often do you update RITPN


            There are two, and I think the one you're talking about is a rewrite. In the rewrites case it's basically whenever she can, it isn't a prolonged project (as far as I know) and I'm pretty sure there isn't any promise of it ever being fully re written 


Everytime I re-read RITPN it always makes me question what happened to the original person of our Norman lookalike, like before Y/N reincarnated as them.
          Sorry if this is already discussed! I'm new around here and have questions;;
          In the original finished story, I think we like combine with her? Like we remembered our siblings names out of the blue, yet in the rewrite we need to put two and two together to figure out their names. Which begs the question what happened to the original Norman lookalike, is this a mystery we need to figure out ourselves or is there just a simple explanation?
          Also! I was wondering, if Y/N actually had a name what would that name be? I see Y/N more of an OC than a self-insert and I love that personally!


@simplydriftingzz honestly idk, it would have been in the past if were thinking theyre the same timelines, so the look alike would be pretty old now, wiser too. i dont think she would want to disturb y/ns life like that especially after everything they both went through.


@everything1111444420 lf they did switch
            places, and say Y/N's real body
            survived right, wouldn't the now
            Norman lookalike in Y/N's Body realise when Y/N got into the real
            world? especially with all the
            social media attention Y/N got
            when she got to the human world, not to mention all the escapees going to the human world.  OG Norman lookalike would definitely say something, no?


            Oh My God okay I think about this all the time and this is my theory
            I am 100% convinced that they switched places, I have literally no proof because there's no way to prove this, but I just know. Like I don't know where else she would have gone you know? And the idea that like she either just kind of like died or like disappeared and makes me sad cuz it's like oh we stole someone's body... So I like to think that they switched places! I like to go off the au where she looked the exact same in her past life too so that it kind of like evens out you know, but yeah that's what I think happened to her.


I randomly thought about this today. But I think it would be hilarious if Cozbi and y/n had a special move for raids. Like they’d just look at each other and nod and Cozbi grabs y/n by the ankles and spins super fast and just launches y/n at people. I think it’s funny. Like imagining y/n sprawled out flinging onto someone is hilarious.


oh this is so in character it may become canon 


            HELP YES, she's used as a ninja star on multiple occasions and they have hand signs and everything to indicate different moves. They all mostly just involve Cozbi throwing her though. 


I was thinking about cozbi and y/n because the idea that they were both probably in love with each other/had romantic feelings for to each other to some extent makes me so sad. It reminds me of that one scene from Fiona and cake where Betty says "you were a wonderful experience" and Simon replies with "you were... everything" 
          In this scenario y/n would say the first half- "you were a wonderful experience". Because to her, cozbi provided an experience she never otherwise would've had. Having a real, deep friendship with a demon that didn't have paternal/maternal connotations to it. She provided warmth, comfort, in an otherwise deadly world. And proved to be one of her most loyal, genuine allies till the very end. They stuck through it and y/n really did care about her. And I know for a fact that y/n definitely did share some feelings for cozbi, but it wasn't significant enough to where she ever thought to act on it because 1, shes a pussy and 2, her devotion to Ray. He was her everything, and probably one of the reasons she made the rash decision to stay in the demon world for their sake. I don't doubt she would've done it even without him, but him being there and heir love definitely solidified it. To y/n, cozbi was a wonderful experience, and she's greatful, but she had other driving factors in her life that she loved and cared about so much more and so deeply. Cozbi was an experience, and experiences are great, but they aren't forever. They're a lesson. 


@everything1111444420 SHUT UP THIS IS PERFECT I'M GONNA CRYYYYYY my sad doomed sapphic couple <33 Cozbi and y/n solidarity i ship them so hard and i always will


            A forbidden sort of love, because to cozbi y/n changed her entire existence, from someone who would've ended up dying with the rest of her clan to someone who lived and became the head. Y/n changed her life, changed her, and then left. And that makes me so sad because I don't think y/n even realizes the impact she has on others with her actions. Like she literally saved this persons entire existence. 
            So sorry to bore you with that, If I had to be sad so do you I'm taking you down with me 


            Cozbi would be the second one "you were... everything". Cozbi initially befriended y/n with the intention of using her, as she probably does to most. That's just in her nature, as is her arrogance. Though it's charming, it's important to note that cozbi held this sort of self importance and self preservation that y/n does not. She wasnt willing to put herself on the line for strangers. When we first meet her and the sleep over happens this is shown, as much as she likes y/n and thinks shez cool and they fw each other, cozbi needs to do what she needs to do to save her clan. Her people. And she will do whatever it takes. 
            Tho throughout the story, their interactions, that changes. Maybe it was when y/n instantly decided to help cozbi and their people despite herself, despite it revealing her identity. Despite everything, she did it. Or maybe it was more gradual, something that happened over time. But we do know something for sure- cozbi changed. Cozbi changed and there's no denying it. And cozbi changed because of y/n, they changed because of her and learned that putting others before their own self gain and Interest while inherently make not seem like it benefits them, there is good that comes from it. All good that is put out comes back. 
            When y/n left, she left knowing she was going to go back to her world. And when y/n left, cozbi saw her leave knowing y/n took her world with her, to some extent or another. I truly think cozbi loved her. And that makes me so, so sad. We see later on that her and aurelia end up together, which is adorable and I love that (so ironic but so perfect, I'll definitely write some of them later.) But I think to some extent cozbi will always hold y/n in their heart. 


this message may be offensive
Bakuaki headcanons mwuahahah 
          When bakugou and Akiharu first started dating he asked why she didn't have a last name, and she briefly explained her situation. His response, genuinely so automatic he didn't have time to think about it, was to say that it didn't matter if she had a last name or not because she's just going to end up taking his. 
          He was so embarrassed he didn't speak for the remainder for the hangout (akiharu fell in love) 
          Akiharu fell first, bakugou fell harder. 
          Mina was so genuinely shocked (and a little #heartbroken) when she found out akiharu had a thing for bakugou that she just sat in silence staring at haru for like a straight minute. She didn't even say anything, she just like stared mouth agape. She then promptly launched into a 24 step plan to make bakugou fall in love with haru. 
          Everytime someone makes a social media or meme reference aki and bakugo will stand there in complete confusion because they both don't have access to social media (bakugou by choice cause he's a fucking nerd) 
          Bakugo was initially extremely upset to find out haru was taller then him, thought when they started dating he grew to really like it. 


@everything1111444420 AWWW GAHAHAH WHAT A DORK