
what if I did once a week updates? that may take the pressure off, because when i was in high school, updating everyday was actually possible, not so much possible pursuing masters 


@-haikutae  I understand it's normal when we r constantly under pressure. Masters are time taking... I know.


@999m21 see I be thinking so too, but then I'm like, here I am on winter break with tons of time without my laptop 


@-haikutae  That's actually a good idea.  


what if I did once a week updates? that may take the pressure off, because when i was in high school, updating everyday was actually possible, not so much possible pursuing masters 


@-haikutae  I understand it's normal when we r constantly under pressure. Masters are time taking... I know.


@999m21 see I be thinking so too, but then I'm like, here I am on winter break with tons of time without my laptop 


@-haikutae  That's actually a good idea.  


Dang, I bet y'all think I died. Did not, just been quiet, writing has been hard, so reading for a while lol. I'm still a loser, don't worry


@Zhona25 I will consider on my vacation lol! Just need to get a not so noisy writing app to work on


@-haikutae sis disappeared after writing an award-winning novel wE'RE SOBBING HERE
            Will you consider updating <3


through the glass is so beautifully written i swear i cried while reading it. I read it some time around the end of 2020 and I didn't have an account then so i couldn't save it. I searched for it again and found it now. It's one of those books i wish i could read again for the first time. That was one of the best ffs I've ever read and the only thing that comes next to "through the glass" is " detention club" lol. Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece of art


I agree, as is the sequel IGNITE
            Everything is so realistic and well placed, it takes such a genius mind to create such layered storylines 
            Plzzz resurrect Author-nim ❤️ 