
So, for some reason I don’t seem to be getting notifications for comments on my stories? I’m getting ones for votes but not comments, so if you’ve commented on anything in the past day or so and I haven’t commented back, I’m sorry!!


@joeyfilthx I’m sure it’ll work itself out. Wattpad is a garbage fire sometimes but it seems to always get better haha


@-lovethevoid hopefully so. I get notifications for comments on messages but not on stories 


@joeyfilthx I think maybe mine is fixed now because I did get a notification for that comment so hopefully it’s better!


I really loved sucker and I would love it (and I'm sure many of your other readers would to) if you made it into a longer story. You dont have to do it in the same book but it would be AMAZING. I absolutely love your style 9f writing especially the way you incorporate messaging into the book and I wish I was as good as you.


❤❣❤❣When you come back, please make a Kevin Jonas fanfiction!!❣❤❣❤


@PuppyBunnyLover I agree kevin please!!!


Maybe someday! I’m glad you liked my other two though!! 


So, for some reason I don’t seem to be getting notifications for comments on my stories? I’m getting ones for votes but not comments, so if you’ve commented on anything in the past day or so and I haven’t commented back, I’m sorry!!


@joeyfilthx I’m sure it’ll work itself out. Wattpad is a garbage fire sometimes but it seems to always get better haha


@-lovethevoid hopefully so. I get notifications for comments on messages but not on stories 


@joeyfilthx I think maybe mine is fixed now because I did get a notification for that comment so hopefully it’s better!