
I guess this season isn't that bad. I'll take one trophy :)
          	p.s sorry this is out of topic hahaha


Woahhhh literally head over heels with Newjeans' newest photo concept for their upcoming comeback. Their style always never fails to amaze me. I can't wait for their comeback!!!
          P.S Hanni with another breathtaking hairstyles. Also, Haerin also caught my attention again


@icvanilla_ I'll just go with mid length then hahaha


@01genz You have to decide. Imagine if Hanni was the one asking you.


@icvanilla_ oh my God why did you put me into such a hard decision ㅋㅋㅋ. I personally also like her in long hair more, since I don't know I feel like with long hair you can have many styles (?). But I really like her Short hair style too, it seems so fresh. 


This platform is starting to annoy me with the amount of ads in between chapters. Like there's one ad for every time I go to the next chapter. It's so annoying when I binge read a book ‍


@01genz Install an Ad Blocker. It always works wonders.


@CedricJackson014 that's what I do actually. I really appreciate the help though 


@01genz I have a solution. Add it to your offline list, turn off your internet and read 


Today marked the 3rd year since I started making stories. I still remember when I first started writing it was back when everything in this world was shut down due to the pandemic. It was around the first year in my college journey and now I'm already in my last year. It was my first time to fall so deep into kpop, I used to only listen to KPop songs and also variety shows, until I encountered IZ*ONE on one of the variety shows that's when I really fell for them. what a journey it has been up till this point.
          I first started just as a reader who enjoys reading stories from the various authors on this platform, most of you might know who they are. I was lucky enough to get in touch with one of them and eventually joined his community with the others. That also marks the start of my journey as the writer since that's when I'm starting to consider writing stories and as a result at this date 27th December 2020 my first story "the last goodbye" was published and shocking enough it gained more attention than I thought it would be. Since then I've been going through a lot of trials & errors, publishing and unpublishing stories, writer's block and so on. 


I know that along the way I have made a lot of mistakes especially with my grammatical errors and also my choice of words. English isn't my first language but I know that can't be a reason for my mistakes. But I'm trying to fix it to make the experience more enjoyable for you my readers. I don't know what might happen next, but I just wanna say that I'm so glad to be able to continue up to this point. Obviously I wanted to continue to make stories, but I've also realized that my work rate has gone down significantly compared to when I first started. 
            I wanna thanks to all the authors who have helped me to reach this point, I can't be here if I don't have your help. Also my readers who still read, vote and sometimes comment every time I publish the new chapter or oneshot. I really enjoyed it guys, so thank you so much ❤️❤️. I have an ongoing story called "The Path That Leads To Happiness" and I will focus on that for now while also finishing the requests for my oneshot stories.
            Lastly I wish for the best for everyone. I hope everyone can be healthy and safe. We are almost at the end of the year already, I hope you have achieved most of what you want to achieve. That's it, see you later guys~~