
Update: There's a lot
          	1. New Bf
          	2. Still writing but dunno if I should post anything
          	3. Still pretty busy, but I'm trying to keep writing
          	4. Regarding my Saiki.K story, I will not be continuing it because I started writing it for a friend but said friend has hurt me a lot so I don't really want to continue it. 
          	So if you wanted more of that story...blame her :D
          	Feel free to say weather or not I should post the fics I've completed (I've been writing more Jojo's and Genshin Impact stuff)
          	Love ya'll <3


@Cathy_Lulu take your time! No rush it's pretty hard being a writer and dealing with home life, soemd time with your family! Merry Christmas




@t3ch3dbazz I will start reading you the smut, don't test me
            YA WANNA HEAR BAKUBITCH PORN?!??!??!


@t3ch3dbazz fine then, just means ill publish ALL MY BAKUGOU SMUT just for you


Update: There's a lot
          1. New Bf
          2. Still writing but dunno if I should post anything
          3. Still pretty busy, but I'm trying to keep writing
          4. Regarding my Saiki.K story, I will not be continuing it because I started writing it for a friend but said friend has hurt me a lot so I don't really want to continue it. 
          So if you wanted more of that story...blame her :D
          Feel free to say weather or not I should post the fics I've completed (I've been writing more Jojo's and Genshin Impact stuff)
          Love ya'll <3


@Cathy_Lulu take your time! No rush it's pretty hard being a writer and dealing with home life, soemd time with your family! Merry Christmas


Hey everyone
          So I know I haven't been here for a long time, it's just that since I last posted up a lot has happened which I won't go into too much detail.
          I don't think I'll post any new stories, but if you wanna see more from me I am getting into cosplay and have an account on insta (_kitty_kins_)
          I thank everyone for their support, but I've grown out of Wattpad and have moved on to different things to help myself grow.
          Love you all


What age do you guys think someone should stop writing fanfiction?
          Serious question here, please take seriously <3


@Cathy_Lulu it’s really a preference, if you want to write fanfiction, write it! If you get bored and think it’s not for you then you’ve grown out of it, not grown up, just out. As long as you enjoy it there’s nothing stopping you, least of all age <3


You can never get too old to write fan fictions