
          	You may have noticed that our beloved book has gotten a new cover. Well, there's a reason for that... it's being published! Next month, in fact. 
          	With a release date of March 22, 2024, I'm working hard to bring attention to Oliver and Avery's story prior to release and I need YOUR help! Anything you can do is amazing but REVIEWS are where it's at for new releases. So if you've read A Promise Kept and you've got an Amazon or Goodreads account, it would mean so, so, so much to me if you left a review (or even just a rating) for this historical romance. And if you're interested in owning a copy for yourself, eBooks and Paperbacks will be available for Pre-Order in only a few days! Check out my website or sign up for my newsletter for info on upcoming releases.
          	Thank you all for your attention and happy reading! <3


Congrats on the publishing! 


Oh and if you HAVEN'T read A Promise Kept, you can sign up for a FREE eBook today on my website!


          You may have noticed that our beloved book has gotten a new cover. Well, there's a reason for that... it's being published! Next month, in fact. 
          With a release date of March 22, 2024, I'm working hard to bring attention to Oliver and Avery's story prior to release and I need YOUR help! Anything you can do is amazing but REVIEWS are where it's at for new releases. So if you've read A Promise Kept and you've got an Amazon or Goodreads account, it would mean so, so, so much to me if you left a review (or even just a rating) for this historical romance. And if you're interested in owning a copy for yourself, eBooks and Paperbacks will be available for Pre-Order in only a few days! Check out my website or sign up for my newsletter for info on upcoming releases.
          Thank you all for your attention and happy reading! <3


Congrats on the publishing! 


Oh and if you HAVEN'T read A Promise Kept, you can sign up for a FREE eBook today on my website!


Hey, I'm currently reading the Langley and porters series but noticed that B for Bookies and C for Conspiracy has been taken down and can't find them on Wattpad, please where can I find them? I only have A for arson and the D for deception now in my downloaded stories. Thanks


I’m also facing the same challenges 


ATTENTION FOLLOWERS: I've gotten a lot of messages, comments, and discussion board posts asking me about my ongoing stories and series and when I intend to continue them. I know I've been a bit MIA on this platform for a while so I wanted to take the chance to explain why.
          First of all, I am pregnant with my second child and have been busy preparing for her arrival. Secondly, certain occurrences in my contracts with Wattpad have caused me to pull some of my stories from their Paid Platform. I bear them no ill will for their decision to move forward with other projects but I've been seeking other avenues for my work because of it. 
          I've written a new fantasy novel, 115,000 words in total. It's the longest book I've ever written and the hardest I've ever worked on a single story. I've been working on this book for two years now and have hired a professional editor, cover designer, and had beta readers as well. I am fully invested in this project and currently busy putting every ounce of free time I have into making it the best story I've ever written. It is currently in the editing phase, which I hope to have finished up by this summer. Then I will be pursuing traditional publication and, if that doesn't work out, will be self-publishing it as well.
          Because of my determination and investment in this new project as well as my ongoing pregnancy, I have made the difficult decision to put my ongoing Wattpad stories on hold for now. I will be adding On Hold to these titles. 
          If you want to be notified whenever I update one of these stories or when I finally release this massive fantasy project I've taken on, you can follow me here, on social media, or subscribe to my newsletter here:
          Also, if you're just too curious about what this fantasy series might be, you can check out some teasers here:
          <3 to you all, as always. Thank you for sharing this journey with me!


@ANHorton1227 wishing you a smooth and safe delivery. All the best with your new book. God bless you 


@ANHorton1227 Wow congrats on a baby that's so awesome!! You are one of my favourite writers ever and I so can't wait to read your book when it is published. We are all rooting for you!! <3


Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope you have a smooth delivery and get to enjoy another bundle of joy!! Will wait patiently for your stories again, take all the time you need, you’ve got our support ❤️


          It’s been a long long while
          Please advise if you plan on finishing this book or can we read it elsewhere?


Hey thanks for reaching out and congratulations on the baby  the book I was referring to was the marquees and the midwife I love period stories!!


@ClaudineGaffar Hey! I'm not sure what story you're referring to but please see my pinned post <3