
I've been wanting to come back to Wattpad as much as I used to but I'm just in time to see DMs go. Looking back on messages, I will definitely miss giving feedback. A lot of people crave feedback. I'm thinking of dedicating a review book for those who need feedback? But then... Maybe nobody cares for mine hahaha 


@_AliBear_ I'm not consistent either, haha. Reading, though, is always so much fun, so I hope every story I have ever started will still be around whenever life lets me scroll. Thank you for finding anything I say useful and I hope I will continue to be useful. :)


@AStridGSmile12 I do still write, I wish I was more consistent. And I completely understand its hard to get back into the flow things, trust I get it. But I've always loved your constructive criticism, tips and comments.


@_AliBear_ I really want to get back into that >.< I like helping writers find their flow. I guess for now, I'll just read and leave comments when I feel it will greatly benefit the writer. You are still writing, right?


I've been wanting to come back to Wattpad as much as I used to but I'm just in time to see DMs go. Looking back on messages, I will definitely miss giving feedback. A lot of people crave feedback. I'm thinking of dedicating a review book for those who need feedback? But then... Maybe nobody cares for mine hahaha 


@_AliBear_ I'm not consistent either, haha. Reading, though, is always so much fun, so I hope every story I have ever started will still be around whenever life lets me scroll. Thank you for finding anything I say useful and I hope I will continue to be useful. :)


@AStridGSmile12 I do still write, I wish I was more consistent. And I completely understand its hard to get back into the flow things, trust I get it. But I've always loved your constructive criticism, tips and comments.


@_AliBear_ I really want to get back into that >.< I like helping writers find their flow. I guess for now, I'll just read and leave comments when I feel it will greatly benefit the writer. You are still writing, right?


I'm being weird I think .. but my entry for ONC doesn't get any reads other than my own. I mean, I'm not talking about the audience but judging wise. Do they read everything in the end? 


@AStridGSmile12 hmm I gave up on an audience a while ago see, I only do contest supported by Wattpad because then I know I have one person more or less actually viewing my work, in other contests I could clearly see when a reader (ambassador or content creator) read my material, so it vexed me that I didn't see the proof one was reading my story this time around. Oh well, either way I'll just complete it hoping for the best. 


@AStridGSmile12 They do read them! They have an app they use that is basically a wrapper for the webpage and gives them a bit more info on the story (like word count). However, because they are looking at it through the wrapper, it doesn't run up the view count (bummer, I know!).


Hope you’re doing well!!


@AStridGSmile12 no problem! I’m glad your well!!


@_AliBear_ the world is still turning so I'm still alive. ❤️ Thank you for caring ❤️ (thumbs up from afar) 


          So the Ecstatic Awards, huh.....
          Listen I don't know what happened to the awards, but I did my part such a while back... And I gave them the feedback and everything.... Errrr... IDK. Anyways if you want the feedback then PM. Also grab a sticker if you want (you don't have to but I added some just in case). Thank you for your work, all of you are working so hard, good for you ❤️. 


Hello everyone, 
          I've been inactive since starting a full time job last year, and it was an exhausting year at that, I didn't write one-God-damn word in any work I have going on. How sad! But whatever... what matters is I haven't been able to read not one-God-damn work of any follower that I have for the past year or so too.. Trust, that's what sucked the most! 
          I'm going to release an individual list of story entries that I judged. For some reason or another the actual contests never went anywhere and so I'm full of feedback and people should at least have that feedback so... I'll make my own little stickers too (even though, I'm just a little no one I wanted everyone to have something, you know). 
          As for reviews, I'm going to knock them down too. I apologize for the wait but some of y'all have super long chapters and so clearing one request just takes a long time for me. (I can't find more than 5 mins a day to read and y'all have chapters that are 10+ mins T-T, I mean great material... But I ain't got the time to read a full chapter straight, sweet hearts.) 
          Hope everyone is having a good start to the new year! Keep writing and keep supporting each other. Til' next year! (Just joking......... I hope.....)