
You know, I rewatched season 3 the other day and rewatched the ending and I came to the conclusion of how Y/n would act without her powers. Here is what I think:
          	Home girl would STRUGGLE. Like bad. She would get over it, but she would struggle. She is so used to her powers being part of her everyday life (all of the siblings are but especially her) I think it would be like when she first got her powers; she would go crazy. In my head, when she first got her powers, she went insane (not literally but you guys get what I'm saying). This is how I see it:
          	With her telekinesis she would get used to not having those quicker. She will forget she doesn't have them when doing daily stuff (I can just see her trying to close the door with her telekinesis and forgetting she doesn't have them and having to walk all the way back to close it) but she will get used to not having them.
          	With her rebooting powers she will struggle more with that. In my head, her rebooting powers is like her shield. It is what she uses to protect herself. If she is ever in a situation where she needs to protect herself, she knows she can easily do so by using her rebooting powers. So, she struggles without those. Maybe even gets some anxiety without them.
          	BUT without her telepathy, oh girlie is going insane. The way I see it, when she first got her telepathy, she went crazy because she was hearing everyone's thoughts at once. Growing up she got used to it. For her it's like background noise. You know how when you are listening to music and are studying or reading you hear the music, but you don't REALLY hear it? It's like background noises. Thats what she hears with everyone's thoughts. So, I came to the conclusion that if she ever were to lose her powers (specifically her telepathy) she will always have something playing in the background. Whether it's music, tv shows, or podcasts there will always be background noise because if she doesn't have it, everything will be too quiet for her.


@AdriWrites16 I couldn't agree more this is what i was thinking if I were her I would be antsy all the time with the noise. I can't wait for the new season the trailer was so cool and funny


You know, I rewatched season 3 the other day and rewatched the ending and I came to the conclusion of how Y/n would act without her powers. Here is what I think:
          Home girl would STRUGGLE. Like bad. She would get over it, but she would struggle. She is so used to her powers being part of her everyday life (all of the siblings are but especially her) I think it would be like when she first got her powers; she would go crazy. In my head, when she first got her powers, she went insane (not literally but you guys get what I'm saying). This is how I see it:
          With her telekinesis she would get used to not having those quicker. She will forget she doesn't have them when doing daily stuff (I can just see her trying to close the door with her telekinesis and forgetting she doesn't have them and having to walk all the way back to close it) but she will get used to not having them.
          With her rebooting powers she will struggle more with that. In my head, her rebooting powers is like her shield. It is what she uses to protect herself. If she is ever in a situation where she needs to protect herself, she knows she can easily do so by using her rebooting powers. So, she struggles without those. Maybe even gets some anxiety without them.
          BUT without her telepathy, oh girlie is going insane. The way I see it, when she first got her telepathy, she went crazy because she was hearing everyone's thoughts at once. Growing up she got used to it. For her it's like background noise. You know how when you are listening to music and are studying or reading you hear the music, but you don't REALLY hear it? It's like background noises. Thats what she hears with everyone's thoughts. So, I came to the conclusion that if she ever were to lose her powers (specifically her telepathy) she will always have something playing in the background. Whether it's music, tv shows, or podcasts there will always be background noise because if she doesn't have it, everything will be too quiet for her.


@AdriWrites16 I couldn't agree more this is what i was thinking if I were her I would be antsy all the time with the noise. I can't wait for the new season the trailer was so cool and funny


Did you know: there was more to Gabi’s backstory/ death that I just never got around to reveal. I also thought it would be too much to add in with how big the plot already was so I never added it. I meant to make a bonus chapter explaining her whole death but never got to it  


@Mooney567 sorry I just saw this but bingo ;) he didn’t throw it but he got someone else too 




Also, if you read the book again and really analyze it you might be able to figure out what happened. 
            Because remember, there was two stories on how she died:
            1. Someone threw a bomb into the fire which made it explode and “killed” Gabi. The person who threw the bomb was trying to kill her. 
            2. Gabi ended up surviving the fire and Reginald killed her after. 
            Think about those two things and connect them. 


Hi I’m stoping in to say hi. Yes I still read your guys comments, yes I am alive, no I haven’t forgotten about you guys. I just check Wattpad like once or twice a month now hahaha. I’ll try and go through and answer some comments if I can 


Thank you for 1000 followers! I love you all ❤️


I read all of your books! Congrats 


Dolly Parton performing during the Dallas Cowboy’s and Washington Commanders halftime was the peek of my Thanksgiving 


@WavingSunflower_1010 i agree with that statement lol


@AdriWrites16 OMG I SAW THAT GAME! My family thinks they should be called the Washington Taco Holders because the W looks like a taco holder