
Hi folks! I’ve posted a brand new book: ‘The Darkness In Between.’ The first five chapters are already up for anyone who’s bored this weekend. If you enjoyed Empire of Ashes, it will probably suit you.
          	[Warning! Book may contain: the blood of beloved characters, historical inaccuracies, and traces of walnuts. It does NOT contain any remorse].


@kendallblacc Couldn't even if I tried


We’re never getting rid of the walnuts 


I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your incredible work on "Luna of the Rogues" and "Running with Rogues." Your storytelling is truly captivating, and I've found myself pulling all-nighters back to back, unable to put your books down. Your ability to weave such compelling tales is nothing short of amazing.
          All the love all the way from New Zealand,
          Cant wait to start on your next book xx 


Hi folks! I’ve posted a brand new book: ‘The Darkness In Between.’ The first five chapters are already up for anyone who’s bored this weekend. If you enjoyed Empire of Ashes, it will probably suit you.
          [Warning! Book may contain: the blood of beloved characters, historical inaccuracies, and traces of walnuts. It does NOT contain any remorse].


@kendallblacc Couldn't even if I tried


We’re never getting rid of the walnuts 


Very pleased to say that Empire of Ashes is being featured on the Fantasy Monthly Picks reading list at the moment! My (very biased) opinion is that you should check it out if you haven't already. Either you'll hate it and hate me for writing it, or you'll love it and still hate me for writing it :)


i still reread it and i can never decide if i love or hate it 


@Aellix I can't get over how great that book is, I read it years ago and I still think about it. Can't find another book that can compare to it. Thank you for writing it even though you ripped my beating heart from my chest and shoved it down my throat lol if you ever publish it I would definitely buy a copy, if not I'll be content re-reading it on here :) It is soooo good !


Hii hope all is well! I was just wondering if you’d ever consider using kindle direct publishing to self-publish your books as is right now? It would be soo nice to have a copy haha. It’s pretty easy to set up too


I actually love you so much for keeping your books free ahah - especially with Wattpads insistence on making everything paid ahah


@natulez I did look into it a very long time ago, sadly as far as I can remember there was a contract clause which would mean they couldn't remain on wattpad for free :(  And that would definitely be a deal breaker for me. It also hurts me a bit to think of Jeff Bezos profiting from anything I've written! Sorry, I know it's a disappointing answer so I will check again that it's still the case


What time periods do luna of rogues, unhappily ever after, and running with rogues take place? I feel like lor takes place in like 2010, hope you have a great week 


@b00knerd1718 Unhappily Ever After is the early 1990s, so you're right, that puts Luna of Rogues in the early 2010s, and Running with Rogues is set nineteen years after that (so technically in the future lmao)


will you ever consider making a story about an Alpha whose mate is human?(if ever you do i’ll be here waiting for every update lol) but hehe if ever you’ll really PLEASE MAKE HER AN AGENT THAT GOT THROWN OUT IN HER AGENCY


@genevievegaravoglia practice makes perfect, girl! 
            I've fallen out of practice, but I should try getting back into it. 


you have nothing to be sorry for thanks for replying tho


i’ve tried but i’m just really a reader i can’t write