
Hey everyone!
          	Great news! The final episode of Season 6 of my MHA fanfic is finally out!
          	This season has been packed with drama, intense battles, and unexpected twists, and I can't wait for you all to read the conclusion. Check out the last episode here:
          	Don't forget to drop by and let me know what you thought of the season and share your theories for Season 7! Your feedback means the world to me!


Hey everyone!
          Great news! The final episode of Season 6 of my MHA fanfic is finally out!
          This season has been packed with drama, intense battles, and unexpected twists, and I can't wait for you all to read the conclusion. Check out the last episode here:
          Don't forget to drop by and let me know what you thought of the season and share your theories for Season 7! Your feedback means the world to me!


Hey everyone!
          Exciting news! I’ve created unique openings for each season of my My Hero Academia fanfic, ‘Gemini’s Story’, with the help of Suno AI. You can now experience the story in a whole new way! Check out the YouTube playlist I’m also adding these openings to each chapter as we speak. Stay tuned!


@AlanSoujikyuu IT WAS AWSOME!i was the fusrt like ❤️


@Kend-E-ll Haha, I hope you'll like it




[HELP NEEDED] I used Suno AI to help me create openings for my fanfics, but I'm stuck on how to incorporate them into my stories. Since they're not on YouTube and links don't work in my chapters, I'm at a loss. Any ideas, folks? Please help!


@Kend-E-ll Yeah, I think I'm gonna do that but with a YouTube channel especially created for that and not my personal one, thx!


Are you ok with uploading them on YouTube? Cause then you might be able to search for them and place them in the top chapter name area ( where you put thumbnails)


Hey everyone,
          Just wanted to drop a quick update about my  stories! I've been doing some serious work behind the scenes. First things first, I've upgraded all the character images of ALL of my character sheets (MHA and One Piece) using some cool AI tools like CharGen and Copilot. Trust me, they look way better now.
          So, here's the deal: after diving into rewriting seasons 1 and 2 of my MHA fanfic, I realized my writing style needed a major overhaul. I've already taken care of those, polishing them up to make them smoother and more engaging. That includes spicing up a bit the action scenes and giving character descriptions a little facelift. And yeah, I've tossed in AI-generated character images to add some extra flair, especially for villain characters who don't have character sheets yet.
          But here's the kicker: I'm planning to do the same with all the seasons of my fanfic. It hit me that by not revisiting my work, I was leaving some serious room for improvement. So, consider this a commitment to keeping the quality better.
          For those of you who are already up to speed with the story, no need to worry—you won't have to dive back into the previous seasons. The storyline remains intact; I'm just giving it a fresh coat of paint.
          Thanks for sticking with me on this journey despite all of my delay and the crappy version of my first seasons.
          Stay safe and have a nice day!


@Kend-E-ll Hey, no sweat! Life throws us curveballs, but health is priority number one. It's awesome to see you turning challenges into opportunities for success – that's the way to go!
            Congrats on diving into your story and reaching Chapter 5 already! I'll definitely catch up on those chapters soon.
            And about those AI tools, totally worth a shot! Who knows, they might just exceed your expectations. Looking forward to hearing all about it!
            Keep up the great work!


Dude omg... I HAVING GOTTN AROUND TO RESDING YET ( had an asthma episode a little bit ago + was sick the past few weeks, ) BUT I JUST SEE IT AS A TRANSITIONAL PERIOD TO MY ABUNDANCE / SUCCESS! but anyways, I've also started (like a few days ago started) to really put my ideas down and see what I can do with them since my story is already on chap 5 (they grew so fast) but anyways the point I'm trying to make is that seeing someone like you with so much success already having the passion and drive to go back and revamp ALL works, is just a Bravo 10/10 move!
            Also I'm so gonna try out the ai you dropped ( the ones I used never really gave me anything good)


@JayGoneRogue @JayGoneRogue Whoa, thanks for the shoutout! CharGen really did an amazing job! Those character sheets I fed it were pretty detailed, so it didn't take too many tries to nail down what I wanted... except for Elemental and Principal Tsunoba, their looks are just too unique. By the way, Jay, do you have a favorite character design? Even among the villains we've seen in the rewritten versions of my season 1 and 2?


Hey everyone,
          New Chapter Alert! Just released the latest installment of my MHA fanfic, delving deeper into the forest training camp raid. Plus, introducing The Ray's character profile—Season 3's enigmatic mentor. Uncover the secrets that lay in his past. Dive into the action and explore The Ray's story with details about the past of my fanfic universe!


Hey everyone,
          Can you believe Gemini's Story turns 4 today?  It's wild thinking I'm now into the 6th season, and we're almost at 100 subscribers – just 6 more to go!
          I'm genuinely proud of how far this story has come, but let's be real, my time management is definitely my nemesis. Despite having the ending and epilogue written ages ago, life's been a bit of a speed bump. Classic me, right? But fear not, I'm nowhere near throwing in the towel!
          Big thanks to the 94 of you on this ride. Your support means the world. Especially @JayGoneRogue, @maybeimfiction, and of course, the love of my life and co-writer to One Piece Brand New World @NanisSiana26.
          Feel free to drop comments or questions – this post is open for all things fanfic!
          Cheers to 4 years and chasing that 100 milestone! Have a great day and don't forget: Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!


@AlanSoujikyuu Of course man! You have my absolute support. I do need to catch up on the last 3-4 chapters of Gemini's Story since I've gotten back into a nice groove in life. WILL BE CAUGHT UP BY THE END OF THIS WEEK