
Finally getting around to editing Kin of the Curse! :D Expect more detailed scenes and romantic moments between Castor and Lucien! I've gotten the first 4 chapters updated already with plans of fixing up the rest soon. Once it's completed, I'm hoping to soon get around to book 2: Fangs of the Case


Thanks for Kaz's stories. Would you be uploading Varnished in Blood?


@AliKatMeow I would wait...hopefully not for too long though...thanks & take care!


@justclw02 Thank you so much for reading! As of now, I haven't published Varnished in Blood yet. I do plan to finish the last of Kaz's story some day but I don't have a set date as of yet.


Hi, I sent you a DM but that feature was deleted recently. A while ago, you requested art through my art shop of your characters, Micah and Kayden. Please could you head to the book, read the 2024 update, and confirm whether or not you still want this art? Thanks!


When the DMs were being removed it kept showing I had a notification on my app and wouldn’t go away. I bet that was your DM. Lol! I discontinued the story with those characters and haven’t had any intentions of getting back to it so far. I appreciate you reaching out! 


Just posted the final chapters earlier this morning! My first ONC story is finally completed :D


ONC is still in full swing and I’m hoping to have both entries completed by the deadline. But in the meantime, I’d also like to start planning and prepping which story will take over from there. As you all know, I have a lot of stories and A LOT of characters. So I thought I’d let you decide for me :D Maybe there’s a story of mine I’ve had on hold for ages and you really want to see me get to. So far, my list of possibilities is here below
          Cursed Blood
          Fangs of the Case (book 2 to Kin of the Curse)
          Rewrite Graveyard Shift into a novel
          Fate of the Fae
          What the Dead Know (this is a brand new one with an MC haunted by the ghosts in his manor)


@choisiya Thanks! I've really wanted to get back to Castor and Lucien's story too so I'm hoping to get Fangs of the Case up and posting again soon :D


Would love to see Fangs of the Case
