
New update tomorrow, Inshallah!


@Amalk807 its been month, when's next update of her broken husband


@Amalk807  Yeah update in a week!! Plz keep it going


@Amalk807 anxiooooooous


Assalamu alaikum sister,
          Hope you are doing good.. after reading your book her blind husband and her broken husband I really wanted to leave a message and when I came to  reread it again this time I thought to definitely leave a message..
           first of all I wanna appreciate the way you had portrayed a blind man doing his daily routine and engaging in prayers and all kind of activities and this really conveys a whole damn message to the society.. and mashallah sister the first book was mind-blowing like literally at some parts i teared up seeing the bond of the brothers and the young couple who are trying to maintain there Deen.. 
          And the second book was equally good as the first one.. I have read lots of Islamic books among them few were best and showed the best version of Islam.. and your book "her blind husband" is one of them.. I hope you'll do more works like this in future.. may Allah bless you and give you hidayat :)


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu dear @amalk807 !! 
          I read your book 'Her blind husband' and I really appreciate the effort you have put in the beautiful story. I just loved it!! And I started the 'Her broken husband' too. Iam loving it and hope for an update soon. Since you have not updated for a long time from date i really hope you and your family are doing well. May allah make it easy for you.I really admire your works dear. 
          With lots of love and duas, 
          Esha Wania