
Namaste India
          	On May 6, 2024 0:00:00 UTC, user-to-user private messaging will no longer be a feature on Wattpad and existing conversations will be deleted. You will still be able to receive messages from Wattpad-affiliated accounts. You can find additional information here : 
          	We would like to know from you : How would you prefer communications after this ? Through message boards or email ?


@AmbassadorsIN message board obviously but I guess some people needs little privacy also so wattpad this is a request that if you are banning private message then please add any features from which messages on message board can be seen by only selective users


@AmbassadorsIN message boards, but  for distributing contest prizes,etc choosing email


if your language is one of the no longer supported ones as of 11 of June, join us and make as many people as possible aware of the march! Voice your displeasure here and on every social platform of Wattpad and use the hashtags: 
           #WeWantOurLanguageBack  #DisregardingLanguagesIsDiscrimination #WattpadForAllLanguages #Bring (insert language mame here) Back #JusticeFor (insert language name here) Language


Namaste India
          On May 6, 2024 0:00:00 UTC, user-to-user private messaging will no longer be a feature on Wattpad and existing conversations will be deleted. You will still be able to receive messages from Wattpad-affiliated accounts. You can find additional information here : 

          We would like to know from you : How would you prefer communications after this ? Through message boards or email ?


@AmbassadorsIN message board obviously but I guess some people needs little privacy also so wattpad this is a request that if you are banning private message then please add any features from which messages on message board can be seen by only selective users


@AmbassadorsIN message boards, but  for distributing contest prizes,etc choosing email