
Hey Everybody, it has been a while, hasn't it? 
          	First and foremost, thanks so much for all your patience with me; I know it sucks having to wait for new updates for such an extended period of time. As I mentioned in my last update, I got a new job and was relocating for that job. I have finally settled into my new home and have gotten more comfortable with my job. Bet you're wondering what that means for Salvation...
          	Well, I'm doing my best. I'm a bit stuck right now. I have some chapters written, but I absolutely am not in love with them. I don't want to put out something I'm not truly happy with, so I'm going to need to sit down and focus on trying to rewrite the next few chapters. Please stick with me, I'm trying my best! Every time I sit down to write I'm basically stuck staring at the screen. Maybe it's that I don't want Belle and Harry's journey to end or maybe I'm just stuck in a mental funk, who knows! All I do know is that I will be finishing Salvation; just give me time xx
          	Again, thank you all so much for your support and patience! 
          	~ Amber


@AmberE3Love34 happy to know that you are good..take as much time as you need
          	  Take care if yourself and have an amazing day!!!!!
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Your writing and stories are worth any amount of wait! Thank you for taking the time to share your work with us. Your writing has truly made my life so much better and sweeter. I am forever grateful to you. Wishing you the absolute best at your new job, in your writing, and whatever you choose to do in this big beautiful world. All the love and magic to you! -Sarah xoxo. 
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@AmberE3Love34 Take as much time as you need!! We can wait, and so glad to hear you're doing good!!
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Hey Everybody, it has been a while, hasn't it? 
          First and foremost, thanks so much for all your patience with me; I know it sucks having to wait for new updates for such an extended period of time. As I mentioned in my last update, I got a new job and was relocating for that job. I have finally settled into my new home and have gotten more comfortable with my job. Bet you're wondering what that means for Salvation...
          Well, I'm doing my best. I'm a bit stuck right now. I have some chapters written, but I absolutely am not in love with them. I don't want to put out something I'm not truly happy with, so I'm going to need to sit down and focus on trying to rewrite the next few chapters. Please stick with me, I'm trying my best! Every time I sit down to write I'm basically stuck staring at the screen. Maybe it's that I don't want Belle and Harry's journey to end or maybe I'm just stuck in a mental funk, who knows! All I do know is that I will be finishing Salvation; just give me time xx
          Again, thank you all so much for your support and patience! 
          ~ Amber


@AmberE3Love34 happy to know that you are good..take as much time as you need
            Take care if yourself and have an amazing day!!!!!
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Your writing and stories are worth any amount of wait! Thank you for taking the time to share your work with us. Your writing has truly made my life so much better and sweeter. I am forever grateful to you. Wishing you the absolute best at your new job, in your writing, and whatever you choose to do in this big beautiful world. All the love and magic to you! -Sarah xoxo. 
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@AmberE3Love34 Take as much time as you need!! We can wait, and so glad to hear you're doing good!!
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new chappie of salvation ❤️


Hey All! Happy New Year! I hope you all have a happy and healthy 2022! Thank you so much for allowing me to be apart of your year past and, hopefully, year present.
          I’m not one to make New Years Resolutions because:
          A - I can never stick to them, and
          B - I don’t think you should set goals which are typically pretty hard to attain
          That being said,I do want to make a goal for myself this year...
          As some of you may know, I write ahead on my books so when it comes to posting, meaning I usually have 5+ future chapters ready to go. Unfortunately, as you may have guessed, I have caught up with myself and do not have any future chapters written. I’m stuck with writing and finishing Salvation. I know how I want it to end, but the journey is kicking my butt. My first goal is to buckle down and finish writing Salvation for you all. I’m going to do my best to get in the right headspace and finish strong! So please stick with me :)
          Once Salvation is finished, I’ll most likely take a break (what’s new with me, right? - I seem to always be “on a break”). During this break I want to pursue the other ideas that I have for books. I have a couple ideas that I’ve started prepping and even writing. But I won’t be putting too much of my focus on those until Salvation is done!
          Thank you all for sticking with me and waiting for me. I really do appreciate it. I do feel quite guilty when I go so long without posting, but I’m trying really hard not to be too hard on myself (yet another goal for the year!).
          Again, thank you! I look forward to this year with you all xx
          Amber :)


@AmberE3Love34 Happy New Year! Can't wait for Salvation.
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Happy new year! I can’t wait to see how salvation ends
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@AmberE3Love34 happy new year !!!... looking forward to read your books...take all the time u need.
            Have a wonderful year ahead 
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brand new Salvation chapter up now!


Thank you!! I really needed this one
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@ AmberE3Love34  yaaaay! Thank you so much ❤️
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