
Moment of rent:
          	I'm so sorry for not writing, I rlly want to, but my mental health is at an all time low. 
          	For those who don't know: I work in the legal department of an insurance company, and its ALREADY a very harsh environment that ALREADY takes a huge toll on my mental health, but with the tragedy happening in Rio Grande do Sul, we're getting a HUGE income of cases, where we're personally having to review these awful files that just, honestly, make me cry every hour or so. 
          	So when I come home, the only things I can do is play Gotham Knights to distract myself or sleep.
          	I am NOT having a good time rn, and haven't been able to write as I want. Sorry for everyone waiting for an update.


That sounds awful you just concentrate on some Self care 


RANT**** damnit


Moment of rent:
          I'm so sorry for not writing, I rlly want to, but my mental health is at an all time low. 
          For those who don't know: I work in the legal department of an insurance company, and its ALREADY a very harsh environment that ALREADY takes a huge toll on my mental health, but with the tragedy happening in Rio Grande do Sul, we're getting a HUGE income of cases, where we're personally having to review these awful files that just, honestly, make me cry every hour or so. 
          So when I come home, the only things I can do is play Gotham Knights to distract myself or sleep.
          I am NOT having a good time rn, and haven't been able to write as I want. Sorry for everyone waiting for an update.


That sounds awful you just concentrate on some Self care 


RANT**** damnit


Ive been watching friends while sick bc its easy to watch and oh my God. Ross is worse than I remember. 
          Like, there are moments I understand, and then there other where he's BLATANTLY gaslighting Rachel while she's COMMUNICATING about stuff and oh my God the urge to write a fem!oc X Rachel fic where she'll be treated RIGHT- 
          Anyways, this is now a Ross hate account slay!






I Get sooo annoyed by Ross when in Regards to Rachel! Firstly, he has that annoying incel vibe when Rachel dates  Paolo. Not telling her how he feels but resenting her being with Anyone Else. Its that same behaviour George Omalley has in Greys, Where they feel like since they are «the good guys» they are entitled to the pretty woman they have decided they want. And then they Get pissy about being «just friends». But they are Also constantly lurking nearby incase an opportunity comes along. And then when Rachel finally gets A job that she is excited about he does not support her. I Work in an office and I have never had friends or family just stop by there to visit. It just shows that he doesnt respect her or her job, and he sure as hell doesnt trust her - regardless of What he says. The whole break thing is A lesser problem for me, but would not have said he thought they were broken up if the roles were reversed and Rachel had done anything with mark. 
            There are some great and thoughtfull moments he has as well but all in all I think hes toxic. And some of the later women he dates he treats horribly (Mona, Bonnie). 


Honestly getting pneumonia is so cringe  like damn u rlly ignored ur cough so bad u got a Victorian disease??? Cringe! 
          (It's me I got the Victorian disease )
          Yall tell me why this hot ass doctor looked me dead in the eye and said I was like three days from letting it turn into tuberculosis  WHAT DO U MEAN???? IT WAS JUST A SILLY COUGH!!! (it was in fact NOT a silly cough)


@ Chel_igot7  NOT YET!!! did some treatment, only spent like a day in there bc it was getting to early EARLY stages of tuberculosis, spent all these weeks loopy bc the medication I was taking made me SO sleepy, so I'd just drop dead when I got home from work. 
            Which is why I haven't rlly updated anything, but im done w them so i should be able to write again from now on hehe


Because I'm new here lol and I'm worried


@ Andy_dee  is she dead 


Imma about to post the first chapter of the one fic no one has EVER asked me to update, simply bc I've had it for MONTHS and bc I'm gonna trick myself into writing again soon, so I need to start POSTING shiet I already have 


@ AlexandraWinchester_  LMAOOO SOON! IM UPDATING SOON, BESTIE!!! 
            Also, I CANNOT picture Megan Fox bc for me she's a 2010's girlie, while Liv Tyler is a 90's/2000's babe  


On an unrelated note, Chris face cast for me is Megan Fox specifically Jennifer’s body era. Idk even w the cover of liz I just can’t imagine her as mean/bitchy


this message may be offensive
This is me asking, please gimme a update? Or like an general statement if you’re gonna continue writing this fic? Your shit is straight up gold and I had to reread because of withdrawal 


I HATEEEEE John Lennon, absolutely trash of a man, but yall,,,, next chapter of Blue Monday's song being Beautiful Boy>>>>> 
          Bc yall BET your asses that Stiles' father first reaction to learning that his daughter is in danger of the Alpha AND the hunters will be "I see. I see. So I'm SHOOTING how many again? Sorry- huh? Oh I just need to count my bullets- what? What do you mean he'll heal? Alright so I'll just KEEP shooting-" 
          Frfr her papa is gonna throw hands with ANYONE who so much as LOOKS at her (and Isaac).