
Dear Readers,
          	I wanted to reach out and explain the prolonged absence of updates on our stories. Recently, my family and I have been navigating through a particularly challenging period, which necessitated my full attention and presence.
          	The heart of the matter involves my daughter, who has been enduring a tough time due to an unfortunate incident at her school. She was subjected to bullying by her teacher, a situation that escalated to a distressing extent and led to a serious impact on her mental health. As parents, our priority has been to ensure her well-being and seek justice for the wrongs she has faced. We are currently engaged in legal proceedings, advocating for accountability and the necessary support for her recovery. This journey hasn't been easy, especially facing a system that seems to shield the wrongdoers and pressures us to accept shallow apologies without any meaningful action.
          	Amidst this, we were hit by another wave of hardship as my mother fell critically ill and had to be hospitalized. This has added an additional layer of emotional and logistical complexity to our already strained circumstances.
          	I want to express my deepest gratitude for your patience and understanding during this time. Your support means the world to me, and I am committed to returning to our shared journey through the stories we cherish. Please bear with me a little longer; I assure you that once we navigate through these turbulent times, I will be back to complete the tales we've embarked on together.
          	Thank you for your understanding and for your support


@AnjSmykynyze Stay strong our dear author We will pray for you and your Family  


@AnjSmykynyze God Bless you and your family....Sending warmest & virtual hug to you Ms.Author


@AnjSmykynyze sending virtual hugs and prayers for the challenges you and your family facing take your time author we will wait for your comeback ❤️❤️


Sending hugs author saw yung shoppee online account i bought all of your 3 books 


@JulieAnneNicolas link ng store ni ms author sa shoppee may sa Pocket book po ba?