
Uh well hello to anyone there (just felt like saying this) ..... Sorry for not updating on "Rough Edges"(for those who were interested) ......... Honestly busy at first and now with everything going on.... I am just sorta relaxing.... Will try to..... Also bored......... Any bl series (or really good bromance)  recommendations.... Probably watched most but still worth a shot to ask. 
          	Also this piece is a completely random note based on comments and stuff I be it really necessary in this world to have so much hate........ Opinions differ and everyone is free to do as they wish.... But wishing/doing cruelty upon others is really something else.... Sigh I think should stop lol.......sorry for that...... Please have a goodnight


@Twilightmegs thank you for liking it also im unsure of when I will be updating cause strangely online classes are somehow more stressful........ Sigh........ I will continue but can't promise when.......... Once again thank you......honestly i spend my free time in a more relaxed way lol


@Annalostone just seeing this post now(truth I was stalking to see how the updates on Rough Edges were going; loved your other piece of work, great blend of humour, relationship and emotional feels, an easy read). Anyhoo, agreed. People should just let people be, don't harm or hate. Hope you're doing okay and finding inspiration elsewhere. That Mew and Gulf are still playing with our heart strings. Just wanna squish their cheeks together  Take Care 


Uh well hello to anyone there (just felt like saying this) ..... Sorry for not updating on "Rough Edges"(for those who were interested) ......... Honestly busy at first and now with everything going on.... I am just sorta relaxing.... Will try to..... Also bored......... Any bl series (or really good bromance)  recommendations.... Probably watched most but still worth a shot to ask. 
          Also this piece is a completely random note based on comments and stuff I be it really necessary in this world to have so much hate........ Opinions differ and everyone is free to do as they wish.... But wishing/doing cruelty upon others is really something else.... Sigh I think should stop lol.......sorry for that...... Please have a goodnight


@Twilightmegs thank you for liking it also im unsure of when I will be updating cause strangely online classes are somehow more stressful........ Sigh........ I will continue but can't promise when.......... Once again thank you......honestly i spend my free time in a more relaxed way lol


@Annalostone just seeing this post now(truth I was stalking to see how the updates on Rough Edges were going; loved your other piece of work, great blend of humour, relationship and emotional feels, an easy read). Anyhoo, agreed. People should just let people be, don't harm or hate. Hope you're doing okay and finding inspiration elsewhere. That Mew and Gulf are still playing with our heart strings. Just wanna squish their cheeks together  Take Care 


Hayo.... Lol don't even know if anyone will answer but...........Like..... Uh.... What is even MewGulf!!!....How did I even breathe before......What am I suppose to do with all this content.... Sigh..... Anyway before I'm out of breath.... I did start the fanfic since last week but never got to continue... So just to spoil.... It's and alphaxalpha


Well, MewGulf dies fit the role alphaxalpha  hot alphas to be exact 


@Rami2019 yep... Loved that one also.......also yes will hopefully come soon


Same same same TharnType, Trapped, Crossing the line my top 3 BL shows Waiting for you new fanfic @Annalostone


Hayo..... So who watched the special episode..... Tharntype our final love....... Lol I keep spoiling myself with the small tweets since I can't get to watch it... I'll wait and see about it for now..... Sooo how was it


@Annalostone i just get to watch it today and i tell you i have heart attack every minutes. I'm so glad i made the purchase. This series should continue honestly. I love mewgulf like really bad. Hahha. Anyway #MewGulf really lift up the drama with their hardwork and acting. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Soooo............I'll write another...... Tharntype....... I hope it will be good..... Another simple plotline because I'll have other stuff to do and this time I'll be more hectic........But will hopefully look foward to your support in votes and comments to know what y'all think.... Anyhow bye


Hayo..... ...... I'm here to ask if y'all will be interested in another fanfic....same pair(TharnType)?...... Or another?.... Anyhow just asking


@Annalostone Yup, if you are writing about TharnType, I will love to read. Thanks.


@Annalostone TharnType pleaseeeeee 


@ Annalostone  yes yes yes pretty please!


Hayo..... Anyone there..... Lol...... So "Your Fault" is finished...... My new semester starts...... Anybody watched "Why r u the series"


@Ambivert6  that would be great..thanks a lot 


@Eriea_0225 I think the series will get better throughout the episodes... This is only a guess though... But i'll continue to watch


@Ambivert6 yeah.. me too like how Zol teased Zon. May be because TharnType was my 1st BL drama i watched( and i was head over heels for them ) and Saint was only actor i know in this drama. So do you have read the novel (W R You)as well ?Do you think it worth to watch?


Just want to say I like your story a lot. I will wait for your update :)


@bluedandelion23 Sure. Go at your own pace. I can wait :)


@bluedandelion23 really...... Well thank you......won't promise to update today but definitely soon.... Okay