
New chapter!!!
          	Hi so the new chapter of legacy do the force bound has just been posted and yes, this is the set up for the main plot now. I’m hoping to post once a month for each of my stories while my life’s busy, if I don’t, please pester me until I do because I do log on to try and check all my messages and notifications but sometimes some slip through, 
          	May the force be with you.


Hey, it's been a while. How have you been?


I'm rooting for you 


@ducks118  oh gosh I hope so! My professor is trying to help me get an agent so fingers crossed!!!


Good luck on your assignments! Keep working hard, it'll be worth it when it's over. 


New chapter!!!
          Hi so the new chapter of legacy do the force bound has just been posted and yes, this is the set up for the main plot now. I’m hoping to post once a month for each of my stories while my life’s busy, if I don’t, please pester me until I do because I do log on to try and check all my messages and notifications but sometimes some slip through, 
          May the force be with you.


Hi! I just want to let you know that "fallen" is absolutely amazing! I love this story and I can't wait to see what you have planned!


Hi thank you so much and so sorry you’ve had to wait a while! I’m currently at uni and trying to get my first publication through - I will try and update fallen as soon as I can! I’ve been editing up the chapters to post and hope to get back on track posting at least once a month once my exams are over. All the best and may the force be with you - Ari x


I’m moving into my first home lace on my own soon so there may not be an update this week but instead here’s a question.
          Im about to move all my lightsaber and Star Wars celebrations stuff in to take centre stage in my flag including a four foot darth Vader that holds my keys, what’s the nerdiest thing currently in your house?


Quick question... did you delete your one shot book? I was reading it and then it disappeared...


@Sirenpureblood yeah I get you, sorry to be that author that takes stuff offline, im just trying to clnestwn my account a little 


Aahhh okay  it was no problem, I was just confused and wanted to make sure Wattpad didn't glitch or anything 


@Sirenpureblood Posted a few newer things for you x I’ll try and get the other stuff back for you soon I promise 


Puppy pic!!!
          Okay that was to lure ya’ll in lols. 
          I didn’t realise people had actually been reaching out to me so I’m so sorry if you sent me a message and o didn’t respond (and there is actually a puppy pic for all of you). So update wise, I will be working on next posts for irregular love and legacy of the force bound this week but there isn’t a garentee of regular posts until I have my novel sent out to agents and publishers. I’ll keep you all updated as best I can, until then please keep commenting and liking and all that jazz because it really makes me want to post more lols. I replied I won’t abandon my stories and I’m so sorry for late posts. To make it up to you I’ll be doing some comfort character messages for anyone who’d like one. Basically I’ll write a short letter from one of the Star Wars crew either cannon or force bound feelings. That or you can send me some scenes you’d like to see and I’ll add them to the series plan. Please don’t give up on me though, this series was the start of an amazing turn in my life and I’m so grateful to everyone. Now, as promised, here’s a link to an adorable puppy pic on my author account! 

          May the force be with you!!


Hey! Just wanted to ask if the sequel to force bound feelings will be updated or not since i have been obsessed with the original!! Hope ur having a good day!


Hi there thanks for messaging!! The sequel is set to be continued soon! I’ve been focussed on my official novel recently and didn’t want to screw up the legacy of the force bound - that said if you have any ideas of things you’d like to see in the sequel please do let me know! I’ll be trying to redraft some new chapters tonight after I’m done with work! Thank you for the message, it always makes my day! But yeah so, Legacy of the force bound is set to continue once my novel is being sent out for publication, I love the series too much to abandon it.