
Updates for you on this bright sunny Monday morning!
          	Frost: Book Two of the Animal Instincts series starts updating on June 15th (on Ream) and June 22nd (on Wattpad)
          	It'll be completely free on both platforms, Ream will just have updates a week earlier (so if you don't want to wait on the edge of these cliff-hangers hehe make sure you're following me on there and read for free!)


Updates for you on this bright sunny Monday morning!
          Frost: Book Two of the Animal Instincts series starts updating on June 15th (on Ream) and June 22nd (on Wattpad)
          It'll be completely free on both platforms, Ream will just have updates a week earlier (so if you don't want to wait on the edge of these cliff-hangers hehe make sure you're following me on there and read for free!)


I've got a bit of an announcement coming hehe but first things first, what day would be the best day for updates? 
          I've been weighing between Fridays and Sundays 
          Comment your preferences below!


@-Tonia74- oou good to know! Thank you :)


Would you want a little Q&A from the characters in Ignite? 
          I'm thinking of adding a bonus chapter to the end of the book where your questions get thrown at the characters and they can charm their way into answering - plus if you have any questions for me *hides under the covers*
          If that's something you'd want (while we wait for Frost) let me know by saying YES in the comments!


Only one more chapter until Ignite comes to a close!! This was a fun book to write and I can't wait to start planning book 2
          Make sure you're all caught up *wink wink* 
          The next chapter will go live on Sunday ❤️


Happy Sunday! 
          The latest chapter of Ignite is updated! It's going to be an emotional roller coaster so be prepared for anything 
          Aaaaand, there's something new on my profile XD the second book of the Animal Instincts series - Frost - is up! No chapters posted yet, but there's a sweet little extract to give you something to look forward to *wink wink*
          Be sure to add the book to your library and follow me for more updates :D


Happy Monday!
          The long awaited battle has finally been updated! I had to split the chapter into 2 parts because of how long it is haha so I may switch POVs and post the 2nd part of the battle in Zara's POV (huge maybe, still thinking about it)
          There's only 2 more chapters (including the battle: part 2) before we put Ignite to a close and I just want to thank you all for reading, voting, and sharing your kind words :) they mean so much to me!
          The 2nd part of the battle will be posted on Sunday so stay tuned ;) this second part is gonna be rough so be prepared for anything


Love ignite can't wait for more


@1130bookworm it's really good very excited for more. And to read the second book


@1130bookworm yaaaaay! I'm so glad that you love it XD