
Got an update for Darkira, I'm going to try to update some more while I have some free time.


Sorry for the long awaited announcement. Things have been busy with managing my mom's appointments during her treatments. We're hoping to see an end to these treatments soon so I might be able start writing and updating soon. I have a bunch of ideas in my head just need to have a chance to sit and write.


Update! I will be working on writing but my mom's currently going through chemo treatments so updates are slow!


@sailortara she's been doing well in treatments so I'm gonna try to sit and write. These last few weeks have just been busy


@YuGiOhfan1999 things have been going well so far.


            I sent my prays that everything with go fine and hope your mum feel better. 


Update on Petition- the petition has reached over 174k, Leigh bardugho and the Producer are talking to Executive reps of Netflix.  HBO is showing interest in the show. So here's to hope on that..
          Got a new idea in my head for a new story and it's called 
          Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) A new tale


Update: The petition is almost to 150K. So please keep sharing this with other Shadow and Bone fans!
          Stories that have gotten updated: 
          Secret PenPal within the little palace
          Dual Summoner and the Darkling - Another tale-
          Twisted Twins
          Sun, Sea and Shadow
          Dual Summoner and the Darkling - Princess Version-
          I might also be starting a new Shadow and Bone story for Amira and Aleks.


Calling all Shadow and Bone fans for help! Netflix decided to cancel the show so please help with signing this petition
          Let's get the show back! 
          Also I'm going to be updating my stories this weekend.


@Atemgirl94 Netflix really needs to stop canceling thier shows 


I've appreciated the time that my readers have given me, I'm going to start working on some writing this week now that I feel a bit better. I have google docs on my phone so I may be able to work on my breaks. Posts might not be right away but they will be coming...getting used to the idea my friend was no longer around has been a process for sure. I know she'd be encouraging me to get right back to my writing as soon as I can if she was here..
          Again, I am glad to have the time. 
          If I might inquire, what story would you like to see updated first? I haven't had a chance to get a readers opinion on what they'd like to see updated more and wanted to open up an opportunity for people to tell me.


A friend of mine passed away 6/28/2023, I am working on writing but it's coming at a slow pace. This friend was like a sister to me and I've been struggling to focus with the unexpected time of losing her. 
          But I am hoping to start updates next week if not the week after.


@Atemgirl94 please take all the time you need, sorry for your friend, we all have been there, take a long break and find your place, no need to rush.


@Atemgirl94 I'm sorry for your loss 


Hello @Atemgirl94 how are you I love your killian Jones book and was just wondering if you happen to still be writing it. As it’s really good and I would love to read more 


@Atemgirl94 okay thanks for letting me know be looking forward to it 


@canderloro yeah. I plan to update them soon. I'm getting adjusted to my new job first.