
Thank you Dolly1980 For Follow, and adding my both Story "Scarred Soul" and "Love in Marriage" in your reading list. I'll be looking forward to your feedbacks and opinion. ❤


I am liking this story, but will you bring some changes? I mean I don't want this Abhiraj type guy to end up with Sneha. 
          The girl has said no, pleaded and tolerated him enough but please no more now. He truly doesn't deserve her what's the point of him knowing understanding apology if he'll repeat his actions? Beside She has suffered enough she deserves better. 


@FictionReader09 sabra dear reader sabr sab hoga don't worry enjoy reading thanks for your feedback dear reader I'm truly delighted by your comments during the update thank you so much they means allot to me. 


I like his Obsessed Love ❤ That novel make me feel all sorts of emotion for leads specifically Abhiraj, his character is written very well his heartache, his aggression, his stubbornness everything is worth relating too. Not his lunatic behavior but his feeling and unable to cope up with them rationally. 
          And Sneha what to say about her, she's headstrong and very sensible girl. Doesn't fall in petty tricks even if it's genuine, keeps her guard up. And Her resolute stand on her belief, despite being young her accurate  analysis over her situation impressed me allot.
          Author this is truly good novel don't take it down, please complete it. 


@FictionReader09 Thank you so much dear reader _/\_ I'm delighted to know you not only enjoy reading it but feels for the characters too. ヾ(^-^)ノ  
            I wouldn't have taken down, but there are lot's of report made on wattpad against it so I couldn't do anything.         (◞ ‸ ◟) But thank you for your positive feedback (♥‿♥)


Hi I read ur obsessed love . I like it but ur going to take down it without completing 
           I saw ur work they have nice plots but all are ongoing n some are incomplete.. not even one is complete.. 
          I am in dilemma whether read or not ... 
          cause readng incomplete ook is so exhausting   
          U r a talented writer but not promising.... 
          So plz think about it.. 


            Thanks dear reader  for your time and valuable feedback. 
            About my work I've completed Scarred soul only it's epilogue is left to give which I'm trying to work for while but the ending ideas are little messy in draft so it's taking a while for me to update.  
            About Obsessed love, there was mass reporting against it, as people even said it's copied and it's promoting crime against women. 
            And I've begun a new work Battle of Desire with Destiny. It's historical fiction so yes all are unfortunately ongoing work currently but I'm working on them 