
Alright so I won’t be updating again today because I’ve got plans with a girl… she’s a lesbian but she’s still a girl so I still win. Since you won’t be reading my stuff that gives you time to check out these authors and their books.
          	@Venomaris69 - she’s got some great great books but I think most people following me will prefer her oneshot book, it’s almost finished which means she’ll be starting up a second one soon!
          	@Diary_of_MH - she writes for Annabeth Chase! And also other people I guess… Annabeth!
          	@Axis-8 - if you’ve been following me for a while you have heard me mention her. She’s evil and beautiful and I love her almost as much as I envy her for her writing abilities. If you aren’t following her I don’t know what you’re doing with your life.
          	@Lilsofthedaffodils - another one you’ve definitely heard me mention if you’ve been following along. She’s the not as evil Axis-8 in every positive way. Amazing writer and artist as well as just amazing in general. But seriously, her art is absolutely insane. Worth checking out her profile pic and background alone just to see that. 
          	@Gohanblanko - he’s got a silk book, It’s good. He’s also got the first chapter of a Jubilee book that I very much want to be continued so go pressure him to continue that.
          	Anyways that’s them. The gals plus one. All worth checking out and definitely worth following. 
          	Anywho… Bye now!


Well wishes, jakey! 


@BaguetteManOfficial Thank you!! Have fun with your girl!


@ BaguetteManOfficial  Have fun my dude!


Alright so I won’t be updating again today because I’ve got plans with a girl… she’s a lesbian but she’s still a girl so I still win. Since you won’t be reading my stuff that gives you time to check out these authors and their books.
          @Venomaris69 - she’s got some great great books but I think most people following me will prefer her oneshot book, it’s almost finished which means she’ll be starting up a second one soon!
          @Diary_of_MH - she writes for Annabeth Chase! And also other people I guess… Annabeth!
          @Axis-8 - if you’ve been following me for a while you have heard me mention her. She’s evil and beautiful and I love her almost as much as I envy her for her writing abilities. If you aren’t following her I don’t know what you’re doing with your life.
          @Lilsofthedaffodils - another one you’ve definitely heard me mention if you’ve been following along. She’s the not as evil Axis-8 in every positive way. Amazing writer and artist as well as just amazing in general. But seriously, her art is absolutely insane. Worth checking out her profile pic and background alone just to see that. 
          @Gohanblanko - he’s got a silk book, It’s good. He’s also got the first chapter of a Jubilee book that I very much want to be continued so go pressure him to continue that.
          Anyways that’s them. The gals plus one. All worth checking out and definitely worth following. 
          Anywho… Bye now!


Well wishes, jakey! 


@BaguetteManOfficial Thank you!! Have fun with your girl!


@ BaguetteManOfficial  Have fun my dude!


Alright! With the update I just posted for the Pokémon book I’m going to try something new. I’m going to attempt to make all my chapters from now on around 2000 words instead of 1000. Not a huge change and I don’t know if it’ll stick around but I’m going to give it a shot!
          Also if you haven’t read it then go check out the Pokémon book. Honestly I think some of my best work.


I’ve redownloaded this app after a short while. Probably won’t be updating any books for a few more days but if anyone needs to get in touch they can now, just comment here. 
          Anywho what book do people want to see updated now that I’m back?


@T0xicS1ash already started work on another chapter for that. Don’t know when I’ll finish it though


@BaguetteManOfficial ahhh let’s gooo can’t wait to see a new team (maybe someone less cute but still cute and can actually fight fingers crossed)


WB and an update to your Survivor's Guilt story would be awesome!


this message may be offensive
I am going to be taking a quick break from this app. I don’t know when it’ll end but it shouldn’t be too long. Just need some time to cool down.
          Between everything I see on YouTube, what I’m personally seeing, and the antisemitic horror stories I’m hearing from all of my friends who are coming back from college I just need a break. I’m throwing this app away for a while along with YouTube because of some of the shit I hear from people on here. 
          Anyways have a good day and עם ישראל חי


The antisemitism really is wild these days I also have to leave many apps for a while to collect myself because it’s so ingrained in people that they don’t even realise they’re literally supporting genocide. 


@BaguetteManOfficial there’s no hurry, take as much time as you need! You’ve earned it after writing so much. 


@BaguetteManOfficial Take all the time you need man, hope you enjoy the much needed break 


Ever since I’ve turned twenty one my brain has gone from “I want a girlfriend” to “I want a daughter.” I mean I’d love both but if I had to choose only one I’d probably choose daughter. 
          So here’s my question: we know wattpad has a ton of romance reader insert books but does anyone know of any romance books with a raising a daughter aspect that’s written in a style similar to mine? 


@lightdarkness98 I’ll give it a look I suppose, thanks


@wolfdagger11609 I appreciate the offer but don’t want to make you do that


@BaguetteManOfficial the closest I can think of is I can change by Shiningblade24, it’s the closest thing in the sense that the reader is raising a child since the author does include little moments like that while most of it is dedicated to trying to get the relationship with Power Girl going, but they do try and let Power Girl establish a connection with the readers child and not just forget her. 
            You can check it out if you want but again the writing style isn’t like yours but it’s premise is what you’re looking for.


The lofi-girl instagram has confirmed the lofi-girl has  crush on the McLaren f1 driver Lando Norris


@Let_517 I don’t have Instagram anymore so I can’t check that but that’s definitely good to know. Thanks for the info 


I’m gonna miss watching Young Sheldon. This and The Big Bang Theory are two of my favorite shows ever, can’t wait for the next spinoff.
          Semi-spoilers below. 
          I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much because of something fictional as I did throughout the second to last episode of the show.


@BaguetteManOfficial especially gerorgie’s part


@BaguetteManOfficial I’m currently watching big bang theory as I read this post


In honor of Mother’s Day I’ve decided to post the first chapter of a book that has absolutely nothing to do with the holiday. This book has been in the works for a long while now.


@ BaguetteManOfficial  Ah yes, the Lo Fi Girl, biggest icon of mother's day 


How do people celebrate Mother’s Day? Like even if I liked my mom I can’t imagine it being more than having a big breakfast or something. Maybe dinner too? I don’t know. 
          I’m genuinely curious so leave your responses below.


@KyleCocciante Thats sweet! Also it gives you more time for a even better late present or something if you want :D
            You can be Batman with prep time LOL


@TheMothKing that honestly sounds kind of awesome, the hunting animals part


@BaguetteManOfficial We bathe in the blood of her enemies and hunt wild animals with our bare hands 


Man the fact that we’re getting Darth Jar Jar from Lego is crazy. Even if it’s not canon it’s insane that the internet has Meme’d a character into existence.
          Still not sure if it’s a movie or show but I’m hoping show so more Darth Jar Jar and Jedi Bob.
          FYI I can 100% see myself writing a show based on this once it’s out.