
How are you?
          	I am here to say that....I don't know what's happening. I can't lie even to myself anymore. I just can't...write.
          	 I tried typing all the sentences but ended up pressing the delete button. I tried making a board on Pinterest; hoping that I can visualize a characters face but...they're all blurry. I tried downloading and playing all the playlist I looked at YouTube in maximum volume like I did before but; the emotions are not enough. I tried my best. I'm trying but... I think it's a burnout already.
          	I don't know if anyone is still waiting  but I apologize for disappointing everyone. 
          	I was thinking, maybe Sincerely Yours, Florence wasn't meant for me to continue. Maybe... I wasn't meant to continue them. This is not the right time to write or maybe I just can't do it anymore.
          	I do not mean to dump all these thoughts but to inform everyone. I'm 19...and I don't know what's going on. No matter how many times my name is announced for having good scores and grades. No matter how many times my classmates, friends and professors compliment me...I don't think I'm doing much in life. Just like this. I felt terrible. So terrible. I've been silent when I'm not feeling right so I can avoid disturbing people's peace. 


@BetterUnseen take your time to rest your mind. During this kind of age, it's normal to feel like this. So don't push yourself too much. You're allow to feel all these. Main thing is just take care of your body and your mind. Find something that will heal your soul. Stay away from the things that you don't feel comfortable. Love you as always girl


@BetterUnseen I'll remember everything. Thank youuuuu. Take care


@BetterUnseen You are 19 and your life is just beginning. There is nothing to fear but your own thoughts. I understand. I have being there. Adulthood is a new game with no rules. Only you can carve your path and ,all it with your head held high or low. And i hope you will hold your head high and walk your path with no regrets. 
          	  Be strong. Find love for yourself. Let the love 9f self guard and guild you. You will be fine. 
          	  As for writing. It never leaves. It just hides away but it is still very much there in you. 
          	  Stop looking for it. Stop forcing it. You will see, it will come back on its own. 
          	  This i am sure of. 


Hey there! 
          I just wanted to say that your works are worth reading. I'd be more than happy to check out your other creations as well. I'm a new Vegaspete writer. So, if you don't mind, Will you take a look at my work? I'm sure it'll be captivating and intriguing. 
          Keep up the amazing work! ✨.


hi, you may not notice this but how are you? you doing good? I'm back to your account to re-read all of your fanfiction. May you find happiness in everything around you. Keep safe and take care, comeback if you're comfortable enough to write again. I will always be your supporter.


Im 20, a bit older than you but still as clueless about the world as you may be too,  I know things are pretty hard, but please have faith in the future. Time would come when things are better and beautiful. For the time being,take a break no matter how long but take one. Write when you are comfortable enough. We will be waiting for you, take your time. 


How are you?
          I am here to say that....I don't know what's happening. I can't lie even to myself anymore. I just can't...write.
           I tried typing all the sentences but ended up pressing the delete button. I tried making a board on Pinterest; hoping that I can visualize a characters face but...they're all blurry. I tried downloading and playing all the playlist I looked at YouTube in maximum volume like I did before but; the emotions are not enough. I tried my best. I'm trying but... I think it's a burnout already.
          I don't know if anyone is still waiting  but I apologize for disappointing everyone. 
          I was thinking, maybe Sincerely Yours, Florence wasn't meant for me to continue. Maybe... I wasn't meant to continue them. This is not the right time to write or maybe I just can't do it anymore.
          I do not mean to dump all these thoughts but to inform everyone. I'm 19...and I don't know what's going on. No matter how many times my name is announced for having good scores and grades. No matter how many times my classmates, friends and professors compliment me...I don't think I'm doing much in life. Just like this. I felt terrible. So terrible. I've been silent when I'm not feeling right so I can avoid disturbing people's peace. 


@BetterUnseen take your time to rest your mind. During this kind of age, it's normal to feel like this. So don't push yourself too much. You're allow to feel all these. Main thing is just take care of your body and your mind. Find something that will heal your soul. Stay away from the things that you don't feel comfortable. Love you as always girl


@BetterUnseen I'll remember everything. Thank youuuuu. Take care


@BetterUnseen You are 19 and your life is just beginning. There is nothing to fear but your own thoughts. I understand. I have being there. Adulthood is a new game with no rules. Only you can carve your path and ,all it with your head held high or low. And i hope you will hold your head high and walk your path with no regrets. 
            Be strong. Find love for yourself. Let the love 9f self guard and guild you. You will be fine. 
            As for writing. It never leaves. It just hides away but it is still very much there in you. 
            Stop looking for it. Stop forcing it. You will see, it will come back on its own. 
            This i am sure of. 