
Hi,I dunno if you can help me with this book.I had it buh I can’t seem to find it again.
          It has to do with a single mom and a single of them has a daughter name kennedi and the other sarayah.
          I can’t really remember the main characters name buh there’s a Bonnie there and a Jabari too
          It’s a black love book.


Hey could you help me find this book I think I accidentally deleted it. 
          It’s about this woman I think her name is desire and she gets out of a relationship with her long time partner Adonis and starts giving her best friend a chance his names is Xavier and she had a friend named cinnamon.  if you know this book or if anyone else does too I would appreciate you so so so much if link it to me like you would be heaven sent.


Hey, i had started reading a book && didn’t add it to my library  -and i don’t know the name of it. I was wondering can someone help me ???? 
          It’s about a girl and a boy that woke up with each other initials tattooed on their wrist. Neither knew each other but was having vision or some like that. I think her name was kiya …
          I actually done it twice 
          This girl name was Tezhae but they called her miree. She met a group of friends when she started her new school… her and this boy name killa got close and her & the boy three liked each other don’t really know much i had just started reading this one .


Did you find the book