
Through Flame and Blade is posted in full  - and is currently #1 in #angelsanddemons !!!  Wooo! Logan fought all of Hell for his angel - find out now if there can be a happy ever after for the cruelest demon spawned in the depths and an angel ...


Chapter 45 is up! Chiara isn't out of Hell, yet ...
          "Listen carefully, you rat's ass, so I don't have to explain again. I will never change into the monster you want me to become. Not through your torture, not through his cruelty. Never. I am the angelic warrior Chiara, Light Bearer. I carry the morning's light in my heart, I am sharp and swift and cold as winter's ice." She paused to inhale and steady her resolve. "I will never submit."


Chapter 39 for Through Flame and Blade is up! And - I'm thrilled to say - I have finished writing and editing this story, so I'll be posting 3x a week until it's finished!


@brightnewday Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays!!!


It will be great to keep the momentum, thanks!


Two new chapters are up in Through Flame and Blade! I realized last week that I started posting this story a whole year ago, and it's time to pick up the speed and get it in your hands! 
          Chiara and Logan both reveal parts of their pasts, but still keep a part of that past secret from the other, and as they try to find their way out of Pride, Chiara's greatest weakness, they both face the truth of who they have become.