
Sorry for no updates. I know you've been waiting :( 
          	In sha Allah New Chapters coming next week 
          	Thank you for your patience lovely readers <3


When you place your trust in Allah, The future doesn't look so daunting and scary anymore, you realise that the things you thought you couldn't live without, you end up living without them. You put your full trust and faith into Allah swt and Him alone. The future doesn't look so bad anymore, you learn to accept things as they are and you learn to not force things to happen. Whatever is meant for you, will never be without you and if something isn't meant for you then it could truly be in the middle of your palm and still not meant for you. Allah knows what is best for us and He will bless us with it when the time is right. Don't be afraid to accept Allah's decree and move on for His sake. ♡


Oh! Look at what just dropped! 
          Chapter 3 ;) 


Your recent message just made my eyes pop out of its place!!!