
Hey bloomie I read the forgotten sister and it give me an idea for a horror movie style sequel for  I want share with you.


There’s something I like to add a strain on the parents marriage. They keep blaming each other for what happened.


@SugarSuperFairy you really don't have to worry about that. I'm happy for you to run with it, but if you don't want to I completely understand but the offer is there. I think it is quite befitting for her to experience the attacks from Damien even though it's not really happening. He being too afraid of her own boyfriend driving herself to be alone and tormented afraid of the windows and doors thinking Damien is coming. And I believe it's only fair her suffering lasts the same amount of time as it did for the mc


Much appreciated thank you. But to be fair this idea was based off of your story it really wouldn’t feel right. I want to do original stuff.  That is a really good idea for Loretta suffering. I think she needs to understand what her and her family put the MC through.