
And there were have it. We've come to the end of Love and Other Crisis Season 1, but there's more. Check me out on Ream to read all the seasons (2-4) for free.
          	Thank you for reading!


Time is dashing by. The final episode of Love and Other Crisis Season 1 goes up tomorrow, along with a bonus episode and notice about the other seasons. If you've loved the adventure so far, drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you :)


**Announcement: Change of Pen Name**
          Dear Travelers,
          I'm thrilled to announce that I've changed my pen name to Caelia Thorne! As an author, I wanted to portray my true love and interest and create a platform representing my passion for crafting immersive fantasy worlds.
          With each story, I aim to transport you to breathtaking alternative worlds filled with heart-pounding action, immersive world-building, and unforgettable characters.
          Thank you for your continuous support, and I look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you as Caelia Thorne, a world-builder and storyteller.
          Happy reading! All the best for 2024!
          Caelia Thorne


I've been getting messages about where readers can find Enter the Shadows. Because of contract clauses with the site the full book is uploaded to, I can't post it all for free on Wattpad. But I am creating a space where all of my readers can gather. It's been slow going because so many of these sites don't let you interact well with readers. 
          But finally, I've found one. I'm still setting up but you can find me on Ream.


Started on a new project and dove into unfamiliar waters. It's gonna be an interesting ride.
          >> Coming Soon: Love and Other Crisis
          Love and Other Crisis is an urban fantasy romance web novel about the life and work of the Occult Crisis Management team at Sage Tower Consultancy, a prestigious crisis management firm, as they work to solve their client's problems and save the world from chaos.
          But as the team learns, solving other people's problems is way easier than diffusing the timebombs in their personal lives. Between their rocky love lives and family drama, this story explores a world of magic, with a dash of intrigue and a new disaster around every corner.


Happy New Year, everyone! It's been a while. Welcome to all my new followers. It's great to have you.
          Planning to return to Wattpad this year. I miss the community and just writing for fun. Will let you know the exact plan as I'm still sorting it all out.
          Hope you've all been well and that you'll have a great 2023.