
Both parts of Inheritance 43 - Leaves in the Wind, Part 2 is now available for free for members at :)
          	Check it out for an early check in with Sasuke/Sakura and Team 10, and what they've been up to in the timeskip.


Patreon now has Inheritance 41 up for your reading enjoyment, meaning it is now a full two chapters ahead of what is available for Wattpad and readers, completely for free. All you have to do is pop over and sign up as a free member and you're good to get fully up to date ahead of everyone else!

          Obviously, this will always be free, but any support you can give, even for a month at a time, is hugely appreciated as I continue to push towards writing full time.
          A brand new original story will also soon be hitting Patreon which will be only available to paid members to begin with, which is just another reason to head over and become a member.
          Thank you all again for your continued support. Every single read, vote and comment is appreciated more than you can know, and is even more fuel for my passion for telling stories. Especially big shout outs to the folks who have *already* popped over to Patreon and made themselves members, both paid and free. We're nearly up to twenty (two of which are paid!), which seems bananas so soon after me coming back to Inheritance.
          You all rule.


Inheritance Chapter 40  is up for early access on my Patreon (for free members, of course) now! It's been split into three parts, and in each we'll catch up with a different set of characters and see how they're dealing with the fallout of book 1 since the timeskip. Check it out now to get ahead of the full release:
          If you're enjoying Inheritance, please consider signing up to one of the paid tiers. Obviously I can offer no Inheritance related rewards, but it would be a massive help in me attempting to take my writing full time. 
          If you can't, no worries. I'm still incredibly grateful for every single person who reads one of my silly little stories.


@Kurama12345678910 Plan is to add another two parts to Patreon, and keep that three parts ahead of the public releases, so it won't be too long now 


@CathalAshenhand good part just like always. Just curious when will you start updating the story again on Wattpad.


Inheritance Chapter 40 Part 1 is up for early access on my Patreon (free, of course) now! Check it out now to get ahead of the full release:


Hey man! Frostbound is currently still being edited for release - I'll post an announcement as soon as its ready!


@CathalAshenhand just read it. It looks amazing. Quick question what ever happen to your frost bound story. I’ve looked on your amazon page and I can’t find it.


Hello Cathal. We hope you are having a good time of the day. It would be a pleasure to have your consideration in joining The Nano Watt 2023 season that commences shortly on April 10. The Nano Watt was created to loosely replicate the annual Watty awards but on a much smaller scale, in the hopes of giving Wattpad users a chance at a mini Wattys experience. We are truly looking forward to as many persons as possible participating, to fill the 1000 slots we will have available. If you would like to know more about the contest please head over to our profile page for more details. :)
          The Nano Watt
          Crowning Excellence 


Just a little writing update:
          Frostbound Vol 1 is now finished! If you're after something complete to read, and you've enjoyed other stuff that I've done, please consider checking it out!
          I've also added the first chapter/preview of my new web-serial progression fantasy project, 'The Shadow Binder' to read for free over on my Patreon (, so you can head over there and check it out if that sounds like something that might interest you.
          A word on Inheritance:
          Work on 'The Crow's Eye' is ongoing, but slow. In all honesty, trying to balance writing with my job and family is difficult at the best of times. Trying to split that small amount of writing time that I get between fanfics that will never contribute to me achieving what I want to with my writing (doing it full time) and original works, is even trickier. As much as I would love to do both, I have to be as pragmatic and realistic with my time as possible. Writing Inheritance is so much fun, but gets me no closer to accomplishing my goals. 
          Original writing needs to be a priority.
          Now, that's not to say I'm not working on Inheritance at all--far from it--I just want to be as open and honest with you guys about where my time is going and how much of it I can afford to spend on Inheritance. 
          This year, I'm looking to make a big push in terms of releasing books and trying to gather book sales/patreon supporters so that I can perhaps begin to reduce my hours at work and give myself a little more writing time each week - if you've enjoyed my stories, and would like to support me in that way I would be immensely grateful, as I am to the handful that have already begun to. The more time I can buy for myself, the more time I can allocate to Inheritance and all of my other work.
          Thank you so much for your ongoing readership. Getting to read your comments and talk with you all is a privilege, albeit a weird one! (seriously, some of y'all's comment threads are *weeeeiird*)
          IWF (Dylan)


@Kurama12345678910 Appreciate that man, especially as you're one of the folks that have read both Inheritance and Frostbound you legend!


Hey there!
          I'm the host for The Misfits Awards. Just wanted to inform you that I'll be starting the Misfits Community right after we draw the curtains on the awards. 
          If you'd like to know more about this initiative and hopefully join, kindly slide into my DM. I'd be happy to provide answers to your questions there. 