
Hi guys,
          	Wanted to give y'all an update as in why I haven't updated MHBH till now. Truthfully, I don't wanna do anything other than taking some time to invest behind the things I love to do right now. But life doesn't permit that all the time. We go according to life most of them time, not the other way around. Not all aspects of life stay under our control. Things influence us, and we fight for our way against these things that are inevitable. 
          	I'm not going to be able to keep everything in open, sorry. But I can say that right now, most of the things going on in my life are not under my control. Even getting the time to do minimal human things is difficult. This is a time when though from outside things may look fine, but on the inside, things are crumbling. I'm holding everything up as much as I can, and up to a certain time, I'll have to keep pushing myself beyond my limit. 
          	I'm sorry to say this (because it's a pain for me as much as it is for you), don't expect any update until August. Things may go well after August, or may go downhill, idk, but I'm sure I'll at least have some time for myself then. 
          	I love you guys, and I miss you everyday. I miss interacting with you, reading your lovely comments and words of encouragement. Tbh, I need encouragement more now than ever. Please stay healthy and take care, do well in your respective lives. And if you're facing any hurdles rn like me, know that you have the power to fight it. Everyday when you wake up and decide to live, you win. Eventually it'll pass and everything will be better.
          	_#Spidey, over and out!!


Please take care of yourself…everything will be fine soon as long as you’re healthy and strong .Best of luck  


@Chocolate_Spidey it's okay to have hard time....the darkness in your life now will be the greatest light in your life. You'll soon get over this 


@Chocolate_Spidey Life will definitely get better. We all have to suffer such times, some sooner while others later. This is a part of being a human I guess. Maybe this is why they(spirituals) call life a test. Random lemons out of nowhere. But you gotta activate your beast mode. Wishing you luck and happiness. 


Hi guys,
          Wanted to give y'all an update as in why I haven't updated MHBH till now. Truthfully, I don't wanna do anything other than taking some time to invest behind the things I love to do right now. But life doesn't permit that all the time. We go according to life most of them time, not the other way around. Not all aspects of life stay under our control. Things influence us, and we fight for our way against these things that are inevitable. 
          I'm not going to be able to keep everything in open, sorry. But I can say that right now, most of the things going on in my life are not under my control. Even getting the time to do minimal human things is difficult. This is a time when though from outside things may look fine, but on the inside, things are crumbling. I'm holding everything up as much as I can, and up to a certain time, I'll have to keep pushing myself beyond my limit. 
          I'm sorry to say this (because it's a pain for me as much as it is for you), don't expect any update until August. Things may go well after August, or may go downhill, idk, but I'm sure I'll at least have some time for myself then. 
          I love you guys, and I miss you everyday. I miss interacting with you, reading your lovely comments and words of encouragement. Tbh, I need encouragement more now than ever. Please stay healthy and take care, do well in your respective lives. And if you're facing any hurdles rn like me, know that you have the power to fight it. Everyday when you wake up and decide to live, you win. Eventually it'll pass and everything will be better.
          _#Spidey, over and out!!


Please take care of yourself…everything will be fine soon as long as you’re healthy and strong .Best of luck  


@Chocolate_Spidey it's okay to have hard time....the darkness in your life now will be the greatest light in your life. You'll soon get over this 


@Chocolate_Spidey Life will definitely get better. We all have to suffer such times, some sooner while others later. This is a part of being a human I guess. Maybe this is why they(spirituals) call life a test. Random lemons out of nowhere. But you gotta activate your beast mode. Wishing you luck and happiness. 


Hi guys! Just wanted to drop by and say how overwhelmed I felt by all the comments, love and support you all have shown to Love Of A Royal. Writing had been my hobby since I was a child. It has always been my dream that people would read what I write. Thanks to you all, my dream has come true.
          In the past months, my life has changed drastically. I've joined a job just after I finished the last semester of masters. My projects are still due and I'm somehow balancing everything well. Work life is a lot different than student life. While I do enjoy my work, it can be tiring to constantly put up a professional front— which made my appreciation for things I love more. I crave that homely feeling a lot more now. I gravitate towards things, hobbies, places, people who make me feel free and homey. Writing is home for me, and you, my dear readers, have made this home eternal. I can't thank you enough for your constant patience, understanding and support towards me. I could not have asked for a better group of readers.
          I've now made a habit of writing daily, bit by bit, instead of writing a whole chapter at once. You all will be happy to hear that right after updating Love Of A Royal, I've started working on the next chapter of MHBH. So expect an MHBH update soon. Thank you for always staying by my side. I wish that I'll have this family with me for as long as I write.
          _#Spidey, over and out!


@Chocolate_Spidey yesss it doesn't matter how long an update takes I can wait forever for LOAR and MHBH and congratulations on your job and for sure I'm staying for as long as you write I love you and your work ❤️


@Chocolate_Spidey Thanks for the update and congratulations on your new beginning 


Just updated Love Of A Royal ^_^


@Chocolate_Spidey thought something happened to you glad to see you back 


@SabihaNasrum Yes sure, I've now made a habit of writing bit by bit almost everyday, instead of writing the whole thing at once. So I'm sure I'll be able to more regular from now on 


 Thanks for the update,it’s a beautiful story.please keep updating.


A question to my dear readers, did y'all already finish reading the last update of MHBH? It's a big a** chapter, or are you reading it part by part?


I read it twice ! I loveeeee BIG CHAPTERS ! Just kindly update soon 


@Chocolate_Spidey and he'll yes I'm dying for love of a royal too after the intense MHBH I need some lovee