
Guys you no that I use to be 12th Student and 12th result have come and I got 71.33 percent and for some time I will not about to update my story becose I want to be comes a Airhostess and next month I will be 18 and I am paying for airhostess interview so I want to focus on my career of some time because if I don't become some thing my grandmother and grandfather will force me to get married and I don't want to marry.
          	So hope you will understand that 
          	And by the way my birthday is on 20 June so hope you guys will wish me 
          	And one's again sorry  


Guys you no that I use to be 12th Student and 12th result have come and I got 71.33 percent and for some time I will not about to update my story becose I want to be comes a Airhostess and next month I will be 18 and I am paying for airhostess interview so I want to focus on my career of some time because if I don't become some thing my grandmother and grandfather will force me to get married and I don't want to marry.
          So hope you will understand that 
          And by the way my birthday is on 20 June so hope you guys will wish me 
          And one's again sorry  


Please tell me wattpad is glitchy and not that some of your books has been deleted cause I can't find them and the ones in my library just won't open


@smut150705 you should not say sorry is not your or my fault and I don't want my lovely follower to say sorry for some else mistake so don't be sorry 


@smut150705  well  Wattpad have deleted my two books 


Hi guys I no that you guys are waiting for new chapter but sorry to say for more few days that will be no update becose I am going to the family trip to Goa one's again sorry  my lovely army  hope you will understand me  


            No need to apologise for it 
            I really hope you enjoy your trip
            Have a great time 


Hi my lovely guys ❣️ so I want to tell you that for some 2 or 4 I can't upload New chapter because I am going to my Mama's house for distant relative wedding and in my Mama's don't have much internet but if I get any chance then I will upload 
          You no that I didn't even know the relative but have to attend the wedding I feel awkward to go to the unknown place with unknown people unknown I in short my mom is forced me to come  I Don't want to go  did you guys also feel awkward to go to relative wedding wich you don't no 
          Worst part is the groom's mom she is a only person I no and she always ask my mom wan I am gating merry like I am only 17 and going to turn in 18 next month she even tell my some guys name and background  
          Last month she met with us a tell my mom  about a guy who is 26 and said he have a nice background like what the hell 
          Leave it  but if got time then I will upload next chapter by my innocent and cute Army's 


            I also once attended the wedding who was relative and i don't know about them 
            It was so boring 
            Anyways I hope you enjoy it 
            And just asking 2 or 4 weeks or days 
            Whatever it is I am patiently waiting and you don't to worry about it


Hey will you pls update today 


Hey I have seen it the chapter was awesome  maybe can you update some more chapter today later when you are free 