
Hey there,
          	Summer is just around the corner, and so are vacation plans. This weekend, let's discuss your favorite summer vacation spots or any country you would like to visit this year.
          	We look forward to hearing from you.
          	Happy summer!


@ContemporaryLit I really love being by the water during the summer months. Lakes, waterfalls, piers, oceanside - I'll take anything. It's even nicer at night when the temperature is more comfortable and the world is quiet


Hey there,
          Summer is just around the corner, and so are vacation plans. This weekend, let's discuss your favorite summer vacation spots or any country you would like to visit this year.
          We look forward to hearing from you.
          Happy summer!


@ContemporaryLit I really love being by the water during the summer months. Lakes, waterfalls, piers, oceanside - I'll take anything. It's even nicer at night when the temperature is more comfortable and the world is quiet


Hey there, book lovers!
          This week, let's chat about what makes a book an "IT book" for you. We all know our TBR (To Be Read) lists are never-ending, and despite having thousands of books waiting for us, we end up choosing that one book and forget our TBR list all over again.
          Let's discuss what makes a book appealing to you and draws you deeper into the story.
          Can't wait to hear your thoughts!


@ContemporaryLit I have so many books waiting to be read but usually I go through the first chapter and the blurb, obviously and then tend to choose what I really like. I think it's got a lot to do with what I feel like reading at that point as well. I'm up for a sci fi most days but somedays I just want to read an easy romance novel with a predictable arc


@ContemporaryLit I have a big library filled with novels, short stories and the like. But as mentioned above, few get read until I toss the e-book away. 
            What appeals to me is an action or adventure story that will keep my mind busy and eventually wanting more. I also look for characters that develop into stronger roles. If that does not happen by the third or fourth chapter, I'm leaving. remember reading one wher a character is depressed and it goes on forever. I'm a reader who wants to see some positive marks in this, but unfortunately there weren't. So I tossed it away.
            Other times, if the novel takes on a vibe that is too much for me to take ... as it has too much gore or sex, I leave. I came to read a good book, not spend time reading mumbo jumbo.  sorry if I offended anyone, but that is my answer. In total, only a few remain in my "I recommend this book" list.


Greetings, fellow book lovers!
          This week, let's dive into the world of badass literary heroines who are strong, self-reliant, and unforgettable. If you could step into the shoes of any fierce heroine for a day, who would it be and why?
          We're excited to hear about the powerful characters that captivate you and the reasons behind your choice. Share your thoughts in the comments below—we can't wait to embark on this imaginative journey with you!


Greetings, contemporary enthusiasts!
          This week, we'd like to delve into the intriguing realm of literary villains and your imagination. If you could step into the shoes of any literary villain for a day, who would it be and why? 
          We're excited to hear about the villainous characters that captivate your interest and the reasons behind your choice. Share your thoughts in the comment section below—we're eager to embark on this imaginative journey with you!


@user52614016 Scar is a terrific villain. The most interesting ones are clever, and he rallied a common enemy behind him (the hyenas), which put the power of numbers on his side. Thanks for sharing!


@ ContemporaryLit  Well, probably the villain is a Scar from the cartoon Simba, he has an awesome scar that emphasizes his character and appearance, he has a sharp mind and is cool in himself


@user52614016 Good day, dear user. Can you please translate for us? We are an international profile, then we use English as a global language. Thanks in advance


Greetings, fellow book enthusiasts!
          This week, we'd like to delve into the topic of fiction and your preferences. When it comes to literary works, do you find yourself leaning more towards genre fiction or literary fiction? We're curious to know your thoughts and the reasons behind your choice.
          We're looking forward to reading your answers, so please feel free to share them in the comment section below.


Hey there!
          We're back and we're excited to help you get your writing back on track. So, we have a question for you. When you first started writing, what tips would you have given yourself?
          We can't wait to hear your thoughts! So, please drop your suggestions below.


Hello Contemporaries!
          We are revamping our reading lists! To help us facilitate that, we will be closing our story submission forms for a short while as we set up our new lists. As soon as those forms are open again for story submissions we will let you know. We will also notify you when our guidebook has been updated with our new reading list submission guidelines.
          The purpose of the revamp is to enable us to build an extensive library that will allow readers to fully immerse themselves in all  the contemporary genre has to offer here on Wattpad, and showcase even more amazing writers and their stories.
          Thanks for your patience while we get this all sorted out. 
          ContemporaryLit Team