
I have a new project coming your guys' way that I'm working on with the published author, so stay tuned! I finished up the cover today!


I also got a third job interview today. Holy smokes! I have two in one day next Thursday, and one on the 17th. They’re hitting me all at once. I’m sure part of it is the Disney College Program. It looks great on a resume! Next week will be busy, though, so I’m glad I got Milo and Maisie done.
          I’m starting a blog, too, with the published author, and may share it here, too. :)


          What’s the hardest book you’ve ever read? Notes from Underground and The Left Hand of Darkness for me! There were many complicated words in them. SparkNotes was my best friend for them. :)


Stories by Edgar Allan Poe. The English is pretty old timey so there are a few points I read twice


@CroodsGirl the hardest book I ever read was "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli back in 4th grade. It was so boring and hard to focus on that I gave up and put it back on the shelf, picking a book I was more interested in. My teacher found out and just had to quiz me on the book. :skull: never picked up that book ever again after that


@CroodsGirl Dune by Frank Herbert  the movies never did do the book credit. The details were incredible! ❤️


After meeting with the published author, my tutor, again today, he gave me three assignments for this week: to write my first blog, a 2,000-word story about a fourteen-year-old girl called The Bird, and to analyze some poems. Whew! I'm busy, but I know it's going to be worth it in the end. This guy knows what he's doing. :)