
Apologies for the lack of updates lately; I've been working on my novel, and all my time and effort has gone into that at this moment. I'm back to working on and giving my full attention to the Pokemon Story. I want it finished by the end of July so I can give my attention to other stories.
          	While I will try to get some updates out this week, don't expect too much. There won't be any updates next week either, as I will be locking myself away to No Life Destiny 2 for a week straight!
          	Apologies again


Your stories are incredible. Keep up the great work.


Apologies for the lack of updates lately; I've been working on my novel, and all my time and effort has gone into that at this moment. I'm back to working on and giving my full attention to the Pokemon Story. I want it finished by the end of July so I can give my attention to other stories.
          While I will try to get some updates out this week, don't expect too much. There won't be any updates next week either, as I will be locking myself away to No Life Destiny 2 for a week straight!
          Apologies again


Your stories are incredible. Keep up the great work.


I apologize my glorious king. Me as your loyal subject have not been loyal to you and commenting on every chapter of every damn book. After the jjk book I have become disloyal. I apologize for my foolish and betraying acts. I will now proceed to constantly bother you while simultaneously admiring your work, starting with this message.


Big dawg is there any place I could message you with some questions when it comes to writing? Wattpad got rid of dm’s for whatever reason and I genuinely don’t know how to reach anyone anymore other than posting on message boards but that seems jarring as hell


I get it no worries. If you don’t mind me asking, whenever you decide to start a book do you story-board the whole thing in its entirety? Or do you just throw caution to the wind and throw down whatever’s on your mind? I’ve just had a loose idea on a book and can’t really put up a cohesive timeline for the smaller stuff so it’s just a giant gelatinous mass in my head 


@disorderlycitizen and the penny drops when it comes to this problem because no, I don't have any place. I'm not making a social media account just for this or an email for people to message me. So generally I don't know what to tell you there.


Hello @Cryptic_Fiction. I am back from my  hiatus of bothering you. I hope I didn't make you wait too long. Well now that I am back I will continue bothering you for updates and threatening to kidnap you if you don't. That's all, thank you.


@Cryptic_Fiction I feel hurt you calling me a stranger and all. After me being there after every JJK book update with annoying comments. And you replying to them. I feel like someone stabbed me in my heart reading this.


Keep it civil stranger


Why the hell is Wattpad deleting private messaging? That's so dumb. What do they honestly get out of that? I enjoyed receiving messages from my followers and readers of my story asking me questions and sharing their thoughts and kind words. That was a super stupid move, It's a major L from Wattpad here.


this message may be offensive
@Cryptic_Fiction yeah ik but what else would they do other websites also have more (not nessisarily better) moderators and shit and this was the fastest easyest solution that wouldent require programming in a new system or hiring a bunch of people both of wich would cost money and resources wich we all know companies hate


@C14999 if anyone is sending authors death threats they need help. Other social media sites don't disable private messaging and its probably worse 


this message may be offensive
@Cryptic_Fiction prolly had smthn to do with people sending shit like death threats to authors


So, here is a quick update for you all. The JJK story will be finished by the end of the week with only two chapters left; after that, it's full steam ahead for the Spider-Verse story, and I look forward to finishing that off after the completion of Pokemon. There won't be any new stories until Spider-Verse is done. 
          Once all my current Fanfics are completed, I can move back to my Hero Chaser Universe and start the few new Fanfics I still have on the back burner before the Crossover Epic. Thank you all for your support; more will be said about my new stories when I get closer to that point.


Man Buried Alive and MissingNo. have always been one of my favorite creepy Pokémon instances simply because of the fact that they are proven to be REAL things in Pokémon. MissingNo. is a bug found in Red, Green, and Blue. While Buried Alive was originally planned to have been the boss of Pokémon tower in lavender town but, ultimately, GameFreak deemed him too scary for a kids game, and replaced him with the Marowak boss.


@Lavallamalavaldome it's been a while since I've read any Pokemon Creepy pastas and I don't want it taking over the whole arc. But you can expect a certain lullaby to be there too...


Is the Unown King gonna be one of em


@Lavallamalavaldome I'm not 100% sure the whole buried alive thing was real. Pretty sure it isn't. But regardless it was a good creepy pasta back in the day. One of a few I plan on adding in this current arc... hehe


I somehow forgot to add the link, but I've just updated my profile to include the link to all my Fanfic OC artwork. As stated in my most recent 1k special update, I am currently having artwork made for all my OC characters ranging from Purgatory in Genshin Impact, the Five Stages of Grief from RWBY, Acruz and my PKM characters like Hope, Zephyr and Greta. I'll leave the link here, too, for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!