
Hi friends, 
          	I know a few of you are waiting for an update for Snow Crushed. I apologize for the delay. I had every intention of finishing the Snowstruck series this year, but there's been so much going on in my family that I am unable to focus and give you (the readers) the passion and enthusiasm required to finish these books. 
          	I would love to tell you that I expect to be back within the next few weeks, but given how things are going, I'm not sure that will happen. 
          	I am considering taking the books down for now. I'd hate for new readers to find them half-done. My plan is to work on them offline in the quiet moments so that they'll be complete and ready for consumption if and when I return. 
          	Please know this is not a spur-of-the-moment decision; I don't take it lightly. I have been in talks with friends, family and my agent for the last few months, and right now, this is what's best for my mental health. 
          	I appreciate your support, and thank you so much for your patience. Sometimes, things happen that are beyond our control. 
          	For those currently reading, I plan on taking them down around the twentieth (April). That should give readers enough time to finish. I'll keep posting reminders.
          	Once again, I apologize. The last thing I want is to let you down. 
          	In gratitude,


@DLynnP Hey Dene :) 
          	  So glad you're taking the break you need to look after yourself. Hope you and your family are taking care! 
          	  I myself have been going through a rough time and have been finding my escape in some of your books. 
          	  Look forward to how the Baker/Hunt love story will unfold and will be patiently waiting. 
          	  Much love ♡ 


@mil4kv thank you <3 I appreciate your understanding 


Hi friends, 
          I know a few of you are waiting for an update for Snow Crushed. I apologize for the delay. I had every intention of finishing the Snowstruck series this year, but there's been so much going on in my family that I am unable to focus and give you (the readers) the passion and enthusiasm required to finish these books. 
          I would love to tell you that I expect to be back within the next few weeks, but given how things are going, I'm not sure that will happen. 
          I am considering taking the books down for now. I'd hate for new readers to find them half-done. My plan is to work on them offline in the quiet moments so that they'll be complete and ready for consumption if and when I return. 
          Please know this is not a spur-of-the-moment decision; I don't take it lightly. I have been in talks with friends, family and my agent for the last few months, and right now, this is what's best for my mental health. 
          I appreciate your support, and thank you so much for your patience. Sometimes, things happen that are beyond our control. 
          For those currently reading, I plan on taking them down around the twentieth (April). That should give readers enough time to finish. I'll keep posting reminders.
          Once again, I apologize. The last thing I want is to let you down. 
          In gratitude,


@DLynnP Hey Dene :) 
            So glad you're taking the break you need to look after yourself. Hope you and your family are taking care! 
            I myself have been going through a rough time and have been finding my escape in some of your books. 
            Look forward to how the Baker/Hunt love story will unfold and will be patiently waiting. 
            Much love ♡ 


@mil4kv thank you <3 I appreciate your understanding 


Currently watching Round 8 of the AMSOIL Championship, and I can proudly say the next chapter of Snow Crushed will be up later today! <3


@DLynnP <3 well deserved :)


@mil4kv yes! I'm taking a bit of a hiatus, but I plan on diving back in soon :)


@DLynnP will there be another update :)? 


I see someone already asked when you will update snow crushed . I’m eager as well . Your story is amazing and I wouldn’t like to loose interest when I’m this hyped about it . 
          If you are going through something which doesn’t favor you , I hope you come out of it real strong. I’d be nice to have you back . 
          All the best to you 


@KhlarybellePimbara Thank you so much! I have a new update scheduled for this evening. I hope you enjoy it, and thank you so much for reading! <3