
I am calling to the fandom because I have new ff ideas and I am going to burst if I can't share these with someone so here goes.
          	A) Y/N is a barista with no special powers, no tragic backstory, and no enemies trying to kill her. However, she can only see in black and white. That is, until a certain prince walks in during her shift, and suddenly her world blossoms in color. But wait! There's more! Loki does not experience this. The plot revolves around Y/N, your normal neighborhood girl, trying to  spend time with him and with the Avengers because she wants to live in a world of color. 
          	B) This is not a romance, but an OC/reader(don't know which yet) is the villain. But not your fluffy "I don't really want to be evil" motives. She is INSANE and GENIUS and completely out for humanity teeth bared. There were a couple scenes I imagined with her and oohhh it just gives me chills. idk tho
          	C) The Tesseract becomes human. I know I already mentioned this some time ago but I really like this.
          	D) Y/N is TALL and FEY and being HUNTED. And I don't mean 5'9 tall. I mean 6'4+, taller than Loki tall. I don't know but I thought it'd mention it.
          	E) The moon princess decides to favor Loki and starts to visit him on the nights her 'mother'(the moon) lets her walk Earth. That's a bad way to describe the characterization and the worldbuilding, but I really like this. The Princess is sent to Earth to protect the night travelers(like Khonsu) but her stay is limited to how long the moon is out, and what phase it is in. Then also her personality would be another sunshine type (like Kit in Instincts) but also playful, protective, and so jealous when Loki mentions his day life. She is FALLING but her mother/moon is all like "you have a job why do you think I made you" and... yeah.
          	Those are my ideas. None of which are going to make progress until sometime next year, unfortunately. Oh btw Flightless has 30 chapters written, so y'all can safely assume updates through June! 
          	Thanks for reading!


@JailynStice Alright I actually really love the sun prince thing and banished for unrequited love... Whelp I have ANOTHER story idea (tbh if you don't mind I may tweak that idea and conjoin it with the fey one... She's running from the fey/fey queen/her mother because she's not supposed to be on Earth but she fell in love with a mortal who DOESNT LOVE HER BACK.... Then ofc Loki, tho it may be more of a "someone hurt my friend and I'm going to figure out why but oh no wait these feelings aren't just  friendly although her heart is broken I still want more~")


@DontTellAuntieTasha and then the love interest could be like she fell in love with the forbidden sun prince so her mom banished her to earth. Then while on earth she found out the sun prince married someone else so she closed off her heart to people but when the avengers saved her she falls in love with Loki 


I am calling to the fandom because I have new ff ideas and I am going to burst if I can't share these with someone so here goes.
          A) Y/N is a barista with no special powers, no tragic backstory, and no enemies trying to kill her. However, she can only see in black and white. That is, until a certain prince walks in during her shift, and suddenly her world blossoms in color. But wait! There's more! Loki does not experience this. The plot revolves around Y/N, your normal neighborhood girl, trying to  spend time with him and with the Avengers because she wants to live in a world of color. 
          B) This is not a romance, but an OC/reader(don't know which yet) is the villain. But not your fluffy "I don't really want to be evil" motives. She is INSANE and GENIUS and completely out for humanity teeth bared. There were a couple scenes I imagined with her and oohhh it just gives me chills. idk tho
          C) The Tesseract becomes human. I know I already mentioned this some time ago but I really like this.
          D) Y/N is TALL and FEY and being HUNTED. And I don't mean 5'9 tall. I mean 6'4+, taller than Loki tall. I don't know but I thought it'd mention it.
          E) The moon princess decides to favor Loki and starts to visit him on the nights her 'mother'(the moon) lets her walk Earth. That's a bad way to describe the characterization and the worldbuilding, but I really like this. The Princess is sent to Earth to protect the night travelers(like Khonsu) but her stay is limited to how long the moon is out, and what phase it is in. Then also her personality would be another sunshine type (like Kit in Instincts) but also playful, protective, and so jealous when Loki mentions his day life. She is FALLING but her mother/moon is all like "you have a job why do you think I made you" and... yeah.
          Those are my ideas. None of which are going to make progress until sometime next year, unfortunately. Oh btw Flightless has 30 chapters written, so y'all can safely assume updates through June! 
          Thanks for reading!


@JailynStice Alright I actually really love the sun prince thing and banished for unrequited love... Whelp I have ANOTHER story idea (tbh if you don't mind I may tweak that idea and conjoin it with the fey one... She's running from the fey/fey queen/her mother because she's not supposed to be on Earth but she fell in love with a mortal who DOESNT LOVE HER BACK.... Then ofc Loki, tho it may be more of a "someone hurt my friend and I'm going to figure out why but oh no wait these feelings aren't just  friendly although her heart is broken I still want more~")


@DontTellAuntieTasha and then the love interest could be like she fell in love with the forbidden sun prince so her mom banished her to earth. Then while on earth she found out the sun prince married someone else so she closed off her heart to people but when the avengers saved her she falls in love with Loki 


          Thank you thank you thank you all of my wonderful readers! I am sorry I am late and I did not realize this but THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH <3<3<3 I love you so much and I hope you are all feeling this hug of appreciation because you deserve it! *hugs tightly*


@Gabrielle629253 That warms my heart so much thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it :)


What did you expect, it’s a damn good story with amazing writing. I can’t tell you how many emotions I go through while reading it and laughing along the way at the funny parts. It’s by far one of my favorite books to read on here


Alrighty! This is just a status update: Flightless is now scheduled Mon/Thurs through June 13 with Chapter 24 as of yet. I have also been thinking about my next work, and I think A Love For Eternity will be picked up once again sometime around July. Updates will most likely be once a week. 
          Ideally, I would like to continue this trend of regularly publishing chapters in my next work every two months or so. Therefore through the new year(I know, that's a long time) I think I'll likely pick up Until We Wake, When Love Bites, and Instincts 2 (in no particular order).
          Tldr: Basically, every two months another fanfic is going to start being updated again. And ideally, finished all the way through.
          Thanks for reading!


❤️love the story your an amazing writer❤️


@ihaveabadmemory I think it did! I wont know for sure for a little while, but I am feeling confident. Thank you for asking. 
            Btw I love your username: tho I would say you have a great memory for checking in :) 
            Thanks for reading!


hope  the test went well


*Drum roll intensifies*
          Y'ALL IT IS MAY 4TH!!!
          (Happy may the forth be with you) GUESS WHAT THAT MEANS!?
          I'm so excited. I have a test in the morning. Oh no. Whoops. I'm still so excited!
          Thanks for reading!!!!!!!


@ DontTellAuntieTasha  Wish you luck, I really look forward to flightless ^^


heyy dear author.... I recently started writing one fanfic and I want to know... how do you get people to read it? 


@adopted_3000 helped a lot. thank you <3


@adopted_3000 I have many, many writing tips that answer these such questions and more in my work "Everything, Anything". Specifically, however, I would say to A) know your audience, and B) tags. Know your audience means know how the popular works are structured, written, and what content they contain. For point B, I've found that using the appropriate tags will be the difference of someone finding, or not finding your work on Wattpad. Works that do not have the appropriate tags, no matter how well written or well plotted, will simply be buried in the numbers of fanfics that there are here. You need to work the system, and to do so, you must know the system.
            I expand on (almost) every aspect of being a wattpad fanfiction author in my work I mentioned above. I highly suggest at least glancing through it. Leave any comments with further questions and I will get back to you! Hope this helped? Thanks for reading!


          Chapters for Flightless are scheduled every Monday and Thursday, starting on May 6th. 
          And I am FREAKING out because you know how something is just such a right FIT for a person that you know they are going to adore it? That feeling is these chapters. Y'all are going to lose it and I can't wait to sit here silently, grinning, whispering "wait and see" for every question asked.
          So, ah... Wait and see :3
          And thanks for reading everyone and sticking with me through my hiatus!!! I'm back!!!


@ DontTellAuntieTasha  That sounds great, can't wait! Also thank you very much for sticking with us ^^


DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun 
          I am REALLY excited about Flightless. 
          Like.... I mean I'm just stoked about it. Absolutely bonkers. Bananas. Truly joyfully happily gay.
          *laughs maniacally* 
          I think I'll start updates the first week of May, featuring Flightless on a Mon/Thurs schedule. Then as I finish other works, I'll start a schedule for them as I go.  
          And thank you all for 911 followers!!! I said a long time ago I'd post a face reveal at 1000, and I think I'm going to stick to that promise. But y'all better remind me because I am more of a chicken than you realize... Heh.
          Thank you for all the support, and thanks for reading! :3


@ DontTellAuntieTasha  I'm so excited, can't wait for may now ^^
            Congratulations for all the followers btw, you definitely deserve way more. 
            Also thanks for writing all the wonderful fanfics and spending so much of your time so we can enjoy your wonderful works of fiction. You are an amazing Person <3


Read it all!
          I mean it!
          Read it all!~
          If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral.
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care
          See how many times u get this
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people, including me
          If you get at least three back, you are loved
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it
          Tonight, (right at 12:00am) the person you love will realise they love you
          Then, at 1:00pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the shock of your life!
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to the 15 people
          If you don't, you will turn ugly in one year.
          A friend told me to do this, so pass it on.
          Tomorrow, two boys/girls will ask if they can have your number
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year
          This is not fake
          Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow!
          Good luck!
          Oh! And don't send this to a group chat!


Hey.... uhm... what do y'all think if I ended Instincts? I just read through and I think if I do continue I'll end up continuing for quite awhile longer [as in book 2] but I'm not in a position to start book two right now [I'm going to work on a couple other books first].
          Or, I can write what I had planned way back when and ignore the new ideas, and Instincts would finish in about 3 chapters. I'd publish them whenever all 3 were completed. [probably by March]
          Thoughts and opinions? 
          Also, when I return I'll be back with my full schedule like way back when (updates 3 works mon/wed/fri), but I need a choice for the 3rd work. Flightless and I Heard That seem like unanimous favorites, but Raven Messages, A Love for Eternity, and When Love Bites were all tied. I'm down for any of them or any of my other works, so please leave your vote! If you cannot decide, list them all! It's all helpful in the end.
          And... I am VERY excited about coming back. I'm not entirely sure if I can wait until May to give you all the new chapters. ^w^ As always, thank you for all the support and thank you for reading!


@DontTellAuntieTasha I would love if you updated A Love for Eternity but @sylvieandlokiforever also had a good idea about rotating the updates for the three that were tied


@ DontTellAuntieTasha  Yay, I'm so excited! If I really had to decide what my favourite work of you is, I would say A Love for Eternity, but you could just write on whatever you want to because they are all great.


Alright... so unless the world ends, I *whispers as quietly as humanly possible* might *braces for impact* come back in May. At least that's what I'm aiming for. 
          Also, wth I'm at 891 followers?!?! It's been a couple months of no activity how is this possible??? Thank you all so much for your support! <3 
          One last thing, I have a few works I've selected to start on right away, but I wanted to ask which updates do you look forward to the most? If I were to finish the whole work at once[and continually update, haha], what 3 should be chosen first? Thanks for the feedback, and as always, thank you for reading! 
          See you soon! :3


@DontTellAuntieTasha flightless and when love bites!!!!


@DontTellAuntieTasha My vote is for "Flightless" and "When Love Bites"