
Hello fuckers,
          	It's been a long time...well I've got something to share with you all!
          	Writing Chase was one of the best experiences and if you remember, I enjoyed writing Lilliana too but apparently lost interest in the middle, didn't try writing anything again but then came across the Indian side of Wattpad and got addicted! Thank you so much for all the love on Chase,
          	I want to let you know that I've written more books after that. Not on this account but a different one,
          	This is me, if you're interested in checking out my work, you can, 
          	I love you all, you started this journey for me and i couldn't be more grateful ♥️


@Dorothea28 thanks for letting us know!


@Dorothea28  wow i follow both accounts and never thought that they are the same author !!! Love your books author !!!


Sorry for posting here? Can u plz check out mine book? 
          I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it. 
          The name of the book is   Agnihotri's- The Sinner. 
          Plz do vote and comments too.
          I think you'd like this story: "Agnihotri's- The SINNER" by savage_alone07 on Wattpad


Just finished reading chase and i absolutely loved the book. I was going to message and tell you that your book idea was copied but just found out you're the author of choas of heart no wonder the writing structure everything is so similar 


Hello fuckers,
          It's been a long time...well I've got something to share with you all!
          Writing Chase was one of the best experiences and if you remember, I enjoyed writing Lilliana too but apparently lost interest in the middle, didn't try writing anything again but then came across the Indian side of Wattpad and got addicted! Thank you so much for all the love on Chase,
          I want to let you know that I've written more books after that. Not on this account but a different one,
          This is me, if you're interested in checking out my work, you can, 
          I love you all, you started this journey for me and i couldn't be more grateful ♥️


@Dorothea28 thanks for letting us know!


@Dorothea28  wow i follow both accounts and never thought that they are the same author !!! Love your books author !!!