
I am alive old friends, I know I've been gone for a great amount of time. I know some might've lost faith in me, but I am returned. With my return will come updates to current stories and a new story! I will have to relay with a heavy heart that my 40k story might be delayed for awhile as I process most recent events that have shook my interest and love for the hobby. That said, expect an update to one of my stories later this week my friends! I will also announce my idea for the next story in the works. Until then, stay frosty, stay safe, stay updated!


I am alive old friends, I know I've been gone for a great amount of time. I know some might've lost faith in me, but I am returned. With my return will come updates to current stories and a new story! I will have to relay with a heavy heart that my 40k story might be delayed for awhile as I process most recent events that have shook my interest and love for the hobby. That said, expect an update to one of my stories later this week my friends! I will also announce my idea for the next story in the works. Until then, stay frosty, stay safe, stay updated!


I've got to apologize for my lateness due to some recent family news (and current physical pain). But I also want to thank all of you for your patience despite my lateness and for enjoying my books thus far. Thank you all and chapters will be out very soon 


How's it going.


@ElPresidente015 and then. More of 2nd Legion story! Anyway talk to you later.


@TheDarkEmperor Thanks man, hopefully this weekend I can publish one of the final chapters


I've got two chapters in the works for the Akame ga kill book. I just want to thank everyone for their patience and for enjoying my books. It means a lot and I'll be publishing both chapters this week. Once again, thank you all for being on such a trip with me!


102 followers, this is an amazing moment my dear readers. I cannot help but say thank you to all those who took time out of their day to read my beginning books (even if there were a bit cringe at first). Thank you all for being on this journey with me, and I hope you are all excited for the books I have planned for in the future. Regardless, thank you all and Happy New Year's Eve!