
The next update can be expected by next week. Please do help with your feedback and reviews for the story so far.
          	Thank you


Hi guys. Update's coming up soon.
          3000 words down... some more to go.
          Hope you are all doing well. I hope to wrap up Mrinalini's story by this year, preferably in a couple of months, so please do be here for the last leg of the journey... thank you for everything 


@Elegiac_Damsel yayyyyyy soooooo soooo sooooo excited


Hi everyone.
          I will be updating Mrinalini by next Sunday. I just wanted to reach out to you all to request you to drop reviews/thoughts about the story thus far. I totally intend on wrapping up the story in a few more chapters and it is crucial for me to get an understanding of your perspective and thoughts. 
          If possible, please do help me with your valuable insights.
          Wattpad will be getting rid of the personal message feature by the 6th of this month, so I will request you all to please reach out by then if possible or to contact me via Instagram. My ID is: elegiac_damsel
          Mrinalini's story means the world to me as it is very close to my heart and is where I believe I started to grow and mature as an individual and as a writer and none of it could have been possible without your support and love. Please do help me in this last leg of the journey. I sincerely hope that the story continues to get love from you till the very end and even beyond.
          Love and thanks❤️


@Elegiac_Damsel Hii author I am so excited to read what you have in store for the conclusion!!
            Mrinalini isn't a story it is an emotion, to be honest all your books are emotion ,the way you tackle social issues and daily life problems in your books it is heartwarming to read.
            I appreciate your writing, it's very unique and unlike what you usually see on this app, and I have seen your writing grow from calming the storm(love that book!) to mrinalini.
             Mrinalini is very well written the perfect blend of simplicity, emotions and realism, the way her character grew from beginning till now without loosing her essence, you have added great depths to her character and also portrayed the middle class and arranged marriage dynamics so beautifully. I loved it so much definitely a book I will keep coming back to.
            Keep writing sending much love!!❤️


Hey, I finished reading Calming the storm. Worth my time, very realistic. In fact I would love to read more such stories by you.


@DBaranwal hi. Thank you for your kind words. It means the world to me to have appreciative and encouraging readers such as yourself❤️ I am currently writing two stories now. I do have plans for more stories like CTS in the future, but that isn't going to be anytime soon. Please do consider reading Mrinalini and Reflection for now. And thank you once again❤️


Mrinalini Chapter 23, coming up this weekend  :)
          Stay tuned :)