

          Thank you for following me back :) 


@Kodbro Ah, Likewise!! And pls don't be shy to give me some constructive criticism- I'm sure I'll need some XD


@Kodbro No problem!  You seem really cool :))


Hello everybody! So, I've been offline for a few days... I actually took a small break from Nightwalker, but am happy to say I'm back and new chapter(s) will be coming out soon!
          While I'm at it, I just really wanted to thank @Wendyywolfe, @Raven_Darkheart and @CamWill18 (all INCREDIBLY talented authors, btw- check them out if you haven't already) for being so kind and supportive, and whose work inspires me to keep writing. These constructive, welcoming people are what I love most about Wattpad. So, thank you, thank you, thank you.
          And thank you to everyone else who has followed me and decided to accompany me on my writing journey. I'm having so much fun, and can't wait to see what happens later on, and am so grateful to have you all there with me. ❤


@EtiGendler Eti! That’s so sweet of you to say ❤️ I hope you’ve had a restorative break. It’s exciting to hear that you have new ideas for Nightwalker, and I can’t wait to see what the new chapters have in store for us :)


guys. You have NO idea how traumatized I am. My DAD came in last night at 1 IN THE FREAKING MORNING *which is NOT THAT LATE* and literally ripped my computer from my hands, with my book only having 1.5k words to go. I HAD TWO HOURS LEFT. 
          I guess I learned my lesson not to leave everything until the last minute...


I'm really disappointed because I truly didn't think I would hit the milestone, but decided I might as well try, for fun, just to see if I could make the word limit. My hopes went up, and then, well... My dad happened, LOL.
            Honestly though, the word count is NOT everything, and last night was really fun, though I doubt any of what I published at 1am was any good. (Going to try and edit all of THAT in a few minutes... I'm scared).
            This is officially the farthest I've ever come in any of my stories. Thanks SO MUCH to everyone for the support, last night, this morning, throughout the entire ONC journey. I would not have been motivated without you friends. It's been so much fun! Congrats to everyone that made it, and kudos to everyone else that came close. Mostly, GREAT JOB to everyone who FINISHED their books. You're amazing, and a true inspiration.
            I have not given up, and will abso-freaking-lutely be back next year. I truly hope to get the chance to participate with you and everyone else again. Wattpad is such an amazing community, I'm so glad I found it, and all of my new friends.


3rd chapter is done! 1 or 2 more to go, depending on how many words I manage.
          My dad just came in and told me to finish up.... I'm going to write for as long as I can until he realizes I'm not in bed and comes to make me stop XD
          Oof... I am SO TIRED. The last chapter was painful to write (it involved exercise lol) at this point I can't tell if I'm channeling the character or if the character is channeling me....


@EtiGendler As you should be! It must feel disappointing to be stopped so close to the deadline, but that doesn't diminish what you did accomplish. 18,500 words in 12 weeks is incredible! Plus, it doesn't have to end with the competition <3 
            And thank you! Half a Lady is my longest completed work to date. It isn't eligible for the last round of the ONC, but I hope to be back next year ❤️


@CamWill18 Thank you! I'm really happy with my story so far. I haven't been writing for long, but I'm proud of my progress, and hope to keep evolving. Thanks again for all your support, I'm so glad I met you.
            Hugs, and happy writing <3
            (And congrats once again on finishing your novella, Half a Lady!)


@EtiGendler I hope you made the deadline! Congratulations either way—writing a novella is a huge undertaking, and you should be proud of the story you created :)


It is 11h30p.m. (local time) and I have finished one. more. chapter.
          I know it isn't THAT late, but I'm just super tired tonight (LOL THE ONE NIGHT I ACTUALLY NEED TO STAY UP). and I'm pretty sure you can tell in the chapter. I talk a lot about sleeping. And being tired. And the softness of the pillows and the feeling you get when you sink into your mattress and- you get the general idea hahaha.
          3 to go!
          I've got about 4.5 hours left until submissions close. LETS GO!


Listening to some upbeat, energetic music to try and wake up LOL.


ONC deadline is TONIGHT. O M G. How are everyone else's entries going? Anyone still trying to finish in time? Because, same.
          Just grabbed some coffee, and am about to try to finish those 20k words. Due to the time difference, I think I'll be pulling an all-nighter to get this done (By some miracle I have no school tomorrow XD).
          Good luck to anyone else trying to hit that milestone. WE GOT THIS! ♥ ♥


@WendyyWolfe HAHAHA. Thank you SO MUCH. You're amazing! Get some rest ♥


@EtiGendler Rooting for you too rooting for all of us! Just the accomplishment is nothing to sneeze at, so I'm sending coffee vibes your way I couldn't have done it without coffee LOLOLOLOL. Please! Keep writing! We will edit later I hope and pray mine isn't too messy but I'll look at it tomorrow I'm so tired. Just keep writing I'm sending power thoughts you way!!!


@WendyyWolfe OMG CONGRATS! That must have been stressful- You must be so relieved! I'm honestly scared about what I write tonight (I'm kinda winging it); probably won't remember half of it in the morning XD, but so long as it passes the milestone I'm happy. Lots of time of editing after.
            Ugh, I know, sometimes the links gets all messed up to my stuff too. But GREAT JOB! Totally rooting for you!