
Dear readers, 
          	I know I took a long break. Way too long as some of you would say. However, life happened and at times the story just don't run in my head. But Alhamdulillah I am back to writing. 
          	Many of you have sent me personal messages asking for my welfare. May you be always blessed for caring. Others have also left a comment here, and all be blessed for your thoughtfulness.
          	Difficult time for all of us I believe. However, let us include each other in our prayers. 
          	Thank you. Jezakallah khayr. 


@FathimaShif  hey alhamdulillah sure back ...how have u been sis ..hope evrything is good .we r all eagerly waiting for ure updates ..


@FathimaShif pls drop me a message dear reader. 


@FathimaShif .kindly I need some guidance on writing fascinating stories like you. 
          	  Looking forward for your reply and maybe I can drop you my email afterwards


Author how are you??..
          Are you writing something right now?
          When will you post again??
          Believe me when I say you really did something to me
          I can not move on from these amazing stories.. please start writing soon.. or else I think I'm really gonna get crazy..


Please update never been the same again...Im desperate.
          Please try doing something....(つ﹏⊂)(๑•́₋•̩̥̀๑)


@_jenestine_ I am so sorry to have stayed away long. I will try to finish the book. It will be my last assignment but Inshallah I will find the inspiration. ❤


Hiii, I am sorry for bothering you but I just wrote my first wattpad story ever so it would be great if you could give it a try. I hope you guys give it a chance and I really hope you all like it. 
          Thank u so much 