Beware. You have stumbled across property which is awesome-ness certified. 

This is the joint account of two 17 year old potterhead Indian girls Emma (@befuddled_thoughts) and Aro (@RoseQueen22997).


Hiya, this is Aro speaking. I'm that awkward girl who likes to keep herself locked up in a room with her story books, phone, iPod and computer... but also enjoys a blast with her friends. She loves to make new friends, but isn't always sure what to say to people. xD

I am a hardcore Harry Potter fangirl... but also part of The Hunger Games Fandom.

You know what is the hardest part of making an account? Writing an 'About Me'. As usual I am not sure what else to say. So leaving the task to my friend Emma, she is far better in such things and she is far cooler than me. So Emma, it is you're turn to make heads spin. My mischief Is managed. :D


Don't believe Aro, she's way cooler but she won't accept it like the idiot she is. Did I just use idiot and cool in the same sentence? o_o [Yes, you did! -Aro]

Anyway, pleased to meet you, you can call me Em. Just another quirky wattpader like yourself whose natural habitat is her room, and this rare specimen can be found usually sprawled on the bed, holding either a book or her phone with her earphones buried into her ears nodding along to a never ending stream of music. The only way you can get this person out of her habitat is the mention of food.

I am a hardcore Taylor Swift fan *fangirls* and belong to loads of fandoms. They're family.

I also want to publish my own work sometime! XD

We're too lazy to write longer so you can check out our personal accounts for more details B)

Hope you like reading our stuff ;)
  • Not In Your House
  • JoinedMay 4, 2015
