
New update on Sweetheart (my Shawn Mendes fanfiction!) hank you to everyone who's reading it... The story's almost at 1000 votes! You guys are THE BEST! I promise it'll be finished sometime soon :-) I'm thinking about starting a new story! Inbox me suggestions ;)


New update on Sweetheart (my Shawn Mendes fanfiction!) hank you to everyone who's reading it... The story's almost at 1000 votes! You guys are THE BEST! I promise it'll be finished sometime soon :-) I'm thinking about starting a new story! Inbox me suggestions ;)


Now, I know what you're thinking. Where the heck has Gracie been? I've been super busy with end-of-the-year school things, but I'm finally on summer break! And I want to start a new project. If anyone has some ideas for a new story, I'd love to hear! I have a couple ideas... but none of them are sparking. Love you all. 
          Gracie, Grass, Grace


Hey guys! I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who's reading my One Shots series. The story recently hit 100,000 reads and I couldn't be happier! I'm so grateful that you all are enjoying my writing and you guys should be looking forward to some awesome things for the future! I love you all. *huggles*


Hey cupcake!I'll make ur imagine as soon as i can but do u want it dirty or sweet.I just don't want to make it sweet then you want it dirty!And thanx i love ur story"Thanks for being there"GENIUS!!~LeighanneX:)


Hey!! I wanted it sweet, haha. And thanks for your support, I appreciate it! *huggles* xoxo