
I lifted his hand, moved my head to it and daringly placed a soft kiss on the palm of his hand before moving it to his leg. It sounded like he was purring and I giggled. 'You sound like a big kitten.'
          	He chuckled. 'Just don't tell anybody and I'll be your kitten any time.'
          	Claws and Code is updated. 
          	Happy Friday,


I lifted his hand, moved my head to it and daringly placed a soft kiss on the palm of his hand before moving it to his leg. It sounded like he was purring and I giggled. 'You sound like a big kitten.'
          He chuckled. 'Just don't tell anybody and I'll be your kitten any time.'
          Claws and Code is updated. 
          Happy Friday,


this message may be offensive
So, I updated Claws and Code. Twice! It’s my birthday present to you. Enjoy❤️
          I just told you! You aren't my mate. You could turn on our species, you could go public, you could decide to sell me to a research facility or tell the government you found one of us. Oh my Goddess, Alpha will kill me. He'll kill us both.


Do any of you read on Kindle unlimited? Or do you use other ebook suppliers?
          Thinking of putting some of my other works on Kindle unlimited, would love some input


I was considering Kindle unlimited for The mediator Books 1,2,3 and (later this year 4, next year book 5)  but that would mean removing them from all other suppliers. So I just wanted to know if anyone else reads kindle :) 
            Supernatural Medicine is on amazon but it made me so sad that someone didn’t get that it is a series, so it has unfinished parts of the storyline in there. Goodreads was nice about it though :)


I read on kindle, definitely wouldn't mind having M or Milly or Isabel there :)


@HereIAmAngel I have kindle and 80% of my stories come from there


Claws and Code
          Should we? Or shouldn’t we?
          Let me know what you think :)


So you’ve seen what it’s about. It’ll be a bit more ‘mature’ than my other stories, hope that I can pull that off (with a bit of class ;)
            I will keep you up to date with when it comes up. First there is a bit more of Alissia’s story.